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Minutes PDF 309 KB
To approve as a correct record
the minutes of the Housing Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting
held on 11 January 2022.
minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2022 were approved as a
true and correct record.
The Chair thanked the previous clerk, Grace Le, for her hard work
on the Committee and wished her every success at her new job. She
welcomed the new clerk, Lucy Tricker, to the Committee.
The Chair added that at the previous meeting the Committee had
agreed the transfer of the Culver Centre and ratified the
recommendations, but highlighted that the previous Corporate
Director Adults, Housing and Health had stated that a report of
this nature would need to go to Full Council, and the Committee
felt this should happen. She stated that the Committee had sent a
statement to Cabinet reflecting these points, and although this had
been raised by the Interim Monitoring Officer, the statement had
not been read out at Cabinet. She stated that she had therefore
submitted a call-in, which had been rejected. The Chair added that
she had a meeting with the Interim Monitoring Officer next week to
discuss the call-in, as she felt it had met the necessary criteria
outlined in the Constitution.
Councillor Ononaji questioned why the statement had not been read
out at Cabinet. The Chair explained that the Interim Monitoring
Officer had announced to Cabinet that a statement had been
submitted by the Committee, but Cabinet felt they had discussed the
points raised in the statement already. She stated that she had
been nominated to sit on the upcoming Constitution Working Group
and would raise these points through this process. Councillor
Fletcher felt that scrutiny should have a practical role in
challenging the decisions made by Cabinet, rather than noting
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Urgent Items
To receive additional items
that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter
of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local
Government Act 1972. To agree any relevant briefing notes submitted
to the Committee.
There were no items of urgent
business. The Committee agreed the briefing note regarding the
Private Housing Stock Condition Survey that had been
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Declaration of Interests
There were no interests
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CO1 Redevelopment - Update PDF 323 KB
The Housing Development Manager
introduced the report and stated that this was a collaborative
report that proposed the demolition of the current CO1 building and
subsequent redevelopment into 82 new homes. He stated that this
report was being brought to the Committee early in the process, but
further reports would be presented as the scheme progressed. He
explained that the size of the project had been analysed and the
current proposals were most financially viable and were the best
fit in terms of planning requirements.
The Housing Development Manager commented that the existing use of
CO1 as offices had now finished, and the proposed redevelopment
would meet the Council’s aspirations in regards to place
shaping. He added that the proposal would also contribute
approximately £2.8million to the General Fund. He stated that
the design would be compatible with the nearby Seabrooke Rise
estate, and highlighted point 3.2 of the report which showed that
the current building was nearing end of life and there was reduced
demand for office space in the area. He stated that the team had
looked at market sale for the site and private rented housing, but
the team had found these options were not financially viable. The
Housing Development Manager highlighted point 3.4 of the report and
stated that the project was currently in the design development
process, with consultants being appointed, and the same architects
who designed the new Civic Offices building. He stated that they
would be working to refine the design and cost plan, but would
engage with residents through online consultations and in-person
events before submitting a planning application.
The Housing Development Manager felt that this could be a
challenging site due to proximity with the Network Rail line and
the bridge, which could make demolition difficult, but stated that
it was possible as much more challenging sites were regularly
developed in London. He added that a detailed assessment of how the
proposed site and the CO2 building would relate to each other would
be undertaken, as well as a sustainable power strategy. He
mentioned that the design process would be iterative, and could
include some under-croft parking as well as a roof garden for
residents. He drew the Committee’s attention to the table at
3.14 of the report which outlined the estimated costs involved,
including £2.8million land cost and £21.6million
construction cost. He explained that the team had considered all
options for the site including sale of the land, private rented
accommodation and TRL acquisition, but had found that the most
financially viable option was through the HRA, as this provided
more flexibility over a 30 year period. He highlighted 3.23 of the
report which showed that there would be a small surplus from the
project over this time period, but the units would be set within
affordable housing levels and equivalent to other council
properties. He summarised and stated that 3.29 of the report
provided an indicative programme, which showed that construction
would start in September 2023, if a planning ...
view the full minutes text for item 37.
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Animals in Council Properties PDF 452 KB
The Strategic Lead Housing
Operations introduced the report and stated that it outlined the
Council’s new policy regarding pets in council houses. He
stated that this was organised by the team who worked to manage and
enforce terms and conditions set out within tenancy agreements. He
explained that 4.4.2 of the current tenancy agreement ensured that
tenants received written permission from the Council before getting
a pet, and 4.3 outlined the anti-social behaviour clause. He
explained that currently if a tenant did not get written permission
to own a pet, they would be in breach of their tenancy agreement
and the Council could seek an injunction through the court to have
the pet removed. He explained that had only happened in serious
cases where the pet had been a nuisance or was dangerous. He added
that it had been difficult to evidence nuisance pets, for example
it was hard to evidence barking dogs. The Strategic Lead Housing
Operations moved on and stated that recent studies had been
undertaken that had proven the benefits of owning pets, as they had
been proven to reduce blood pressure and ease loneliness, which had
been particularly important during COVID. He added that the
government had therefore updated their model tenancy agreement in
2021, which ensured that consent for a pet was the default position
of landlords within private rented accommodation. He stated that
Thurrock Council were therefore following this best practice
guidance and would re-consider the need for written permission to
own a pet going forward. He summarised and stated that a written
policy regarding pet ownership would be developed, and the standard
tenancy agreement would be updated.
The Chair asked how many residents had signed an agreement to own
pets. The Strategic Lead Housing Operations replied that he did not
have the figure, but would circulate this information to the
Committee after the meeting. The Chair moved on and queried how
many dog breeders were living in council properties. She stated
that some dog breeders were selling puppies for up to £5000
in poor conditions, and were unlicensed. The Strategic Lead Housing
Operations stated that he was unaware of any licensed dog breeders
operating in council properties, but this would breach their
tenancy agreement as residents were not allowed to operate a
business from their council property. He added that if officers
found an unlicensed dog breeder they could follow a path of
escalation, firstly through non-legal remedies and finally through
the courts if necessary.
Councillor Redsell stated that she knew of some residents who had
lots of cats or dogs in small properties and asked what could be
done to ensure pets in council properties lived in good conditions.
The Strategic Lead Housing Operations replied that officers could
only take action if the pet was dangerous or a nuisance. He stated
that the team worked closely with the RSPCA if they found a
neglected animal in a council property. He stated that the tenancy
agreements would be reviewed over the next few ...
view the full minutes text for item 38.
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Update on Incident at Lionel Oxley House PDF 291 KB
The Assistant Director of
Housing introduced the report and stated that it followed on from
the urgent item of business raised at the last Housing O&S
Committee. She stated that the report outlined the cause of the
fire and the actions taken by UK Fire Networks; the regime
inspections and maintenance; the reflective learning sessions
undertaken by officers; and the meetings held with residents. She
explained that UK Fire Networks had checked the site and other high
rises to determine any further actions. She added that officers had
also developed key themes during the lessons learnt sessions and
from these had worked to improve communications and rewrite
emergency planning procedures. She explained that the emergency
planning procedures were now clearer, and highlighted that the
Communications team would take a lead on communications for all
significant incidents. She added that officers had also spread
awareness of the command levels, and the out of hours rota was now
stored in one place online, so all officers could access it if
The Assistant Director of Housing explained that officers had
confirmed with hotels in the borough that if residents were
evacuated to their hotels, the Council would cover the cost of
their meals, and company credit cards had been issued to some
officers to facilitate this in case of emergency. She added that
officers had also mapped out a variety of welfare sites in the
borough and had updated the system for out of hour’s calls.
She stated that the team had received detailed feedback from
residents, either through door-knocking, phone calls, or during the
two focus sessions. She stated that a letter would be sent to
high-rise residents this week that would invite them to sessions
being run by the building safety manager that would cover safety
and emergency procedures. She stated that officers had taken on
board comments from residents, for example residents had wished
officers to be more visible on scene, so officers would now wear
hi-vis when visiting an incident.
Councillor Redsell thanked officers for their hard work on the
report and felt that lessons had been learnt from the incident. She
also felt pleased that Councillors had been given emergency numbers
during Storm Dudley, which had ensured that issues in their ward
such as fallen trees were resolved quickly. Councillor Redsell also
felt that the Council should increase the level of communication
during an incident. The Chair asked why residents had been informed
that locks would be taken off the washroom doors. She stated that
residents were concerned for the security of their washing if the
doors were not locked, and some residents may start to dry clothes
in their own homes, which could increase incidences of damp and
mould. She felt that the washroom locks should remain as
firefighters were able to get into any room when necessary.
Councillor Fletcher felt that communications during a crisis had to
be different from normal communications, and felt that the Leader,
Portfolio Holder and Ward Councillors should have ...
view the full minutes text for item 39.
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Right to Buy Receipt and PHI PDF 247 KB
The Strategic Lead Finance
introduced the report and stated that it outlined how the right to
buy receipts process functioned and the relationship that Thurrock
Council had with PHI. He stated that in 2012 rules had changed
which had allowed Thurrock Council to retain a bigger share of
right to buy receipts, if they were reinvested in the borough
within three years. He stated that due to the short-term length of
this scheme, it had been difficult to reinvest the money and
therefore Thurrock had worked with PHI to purchase homes in the
area on the open market using HRA money and make use of the scheme.
He stated that if the money had not been reinvested within the
three year time period, the money would have gone back to central
government and Thurrock would have paid compound interest. He
explained that central government had then extended the deadline
for reinvestment to five years, which had improved lead in
The Strategic Lead Finance highlighted table 1, which outlined that
in 2021/22 the Council had received £21million from retained
receipts. He explained that £9.2million of this had been
spent on new properties for the HRA; and a further
£4.8million would be spent by the end of the 2021/22
financial year. He explained that this would leave approximately
£7million outstanding at the end of the year, and new
receipts of £3.6million. He explained that the first stage of
the process had been to acquire new homes through this scheme on
the open market, and the second stage would be to invest in
developments based on their financial viability. He stated that the
relationship with PHI was outlined in the report, including the
legal background and due diligence. He summarised and stated that
at the end of the 2021/22 financial year Thurrock Council would
have purchased between 130-140 houses to add to the HRA stock, and
this would help alleviate the homeless need in the borough and
reduce the allocations list.
The Chair thanked officers for the report and queried why the
Council needed PHI to help with the purchasing of the homes. The
Strategic Lead Finance replied that the team did not have the
resources or logistical time to devote to the short-term project,
particularly as buying 130-140 houses on the open market had been
challenging. He stated that PHI had acted as a purchasing agent,
and some properties had needed adaptations and works that had been
included in the lease cost. The Chair queried if this project would
continue. The Strategic Lead Finance replied that central
government rules would be changing on 1 April 2022 which meant that
Councils would only be able to purchase 20 homes on the open market
and any more would have to be a percentage of Council investment.
He explained that the scheme increased the housing stock for the
Council, but did not increase the overall number of dwellings in
the borough, so the Council would be encouraged to develop new
schemes. The Chair asked ...
view the full minutes text for item 40.
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Work Programme PDF 218 KB
The Committee agreed that an
update on garages would be brought to the first meeting of the next
municipal year. The Committee also agreed that an update on
Blackshots would be brought to the first meeting of the year. The
Committee agreed that a report on the homeless peer review be
brought forward in the middle of next municipal year.