The Assistant Director of
Housing introduced the report and stated that it followed on from
the urgent item of business raised at the last Housing O&S
Committee. She stated that the report outlined the cause of the
fire and the actions taken by UK Fire Networks; the regime
inspections and maintenance; the reflective learning sessions
undertaken by officers; and the meetings held with residents. She
explained that UK Fire Networks had checked the site and other high
rises to determine any further actions. She added that officers had
also developed key themes during the lessons learnt sessions and
from these had worked to improve communications and rewrite
emergency planning procedures. She explained that the emergency
planning procedures were now clearer, and highlighted that the
Communications team would take a lead on communications for all
significant incidents. She added that officers had also spread
awareness of the command levels, and the out of hours rota was now
stored in one place online, so all officers could access it if
The Assistant Director of Housing explained that officers had
confirmed with hotels in the borough that if residents were
evacuated to their hotels, the Council would cover the cost of
their meals, and company credit cards had been issued to some
officers to facilitate this in case of emergency. She added that
officers had also mapped out a variety of welfare sites in the
borough and had updated the system for out of hour’s calls.
She stated that the team had received detailed feedback from
residents, either through door-knocking, phone calls, or during the
two focus sessions. She stated that a letter would be sent to
high-rise residents this week that would invite them to sessions
being run by the building safety manager that would cover safety
and emergency procedures. She stated that officers had taken on
board comments from residents, for example residents had wished
officers to be more visible on scene, so officers would now wear
hi-vis when visiting an incident.
Councillor Redsell thanked officers for their hard work on the
report and felt that lessons had been learnt from the incident. She
also felt pleased that Councillors had been given emergency numbers
during Storm Dudley, which had ensured that issues in their ward
such as fallen trees were resolved quickly. Councillor Redsell also
felt that the Council should increase the level of communication
during an incident. The Chair asked why residents had been informed
that locks would be taken off the washroom doors. She stated that
residents were concerned for the security of their washing if the
doors were not locked, and some residents may start to dry clothes
in their own homes, which could increase incidences of damp and
mould. She felt that the washroom locks should remain as
firefighters were able to get into any room when necessary.
Councillor Fletcher felt that communications during a crisis had to
be different from normal communications, and felt that the Leader,
Portfolio Holder and Ward Councillors should have been made aware
early on of the fire at Lionel Oxley House. He felt that
communications should be utilised more effectively and
The Committee agreed an additional recommendation that read
“Ward Councillors, the relevant Portfolio Holder, and
directly responsible officers should be made aware of any serious
incidents within their ward/remit.”
RESOLVED: That the Committee:
1. Commented on the detail contained within the report relating to
the incident.
2. Ward Councillors, the relevant Portfolio Holder, and directly
responsible officers should be made aware of any serious incidents
within their ward/remit.
Supporting documents: