The Strategic Lead Finance
introduced the report and stated that it outlined how the right to
buy receipts process functioned and the relationship that Thurrock
Council had with PHI. He stated that in 2012 rules had changed
which had allowed Thurrock Council to retain a bigger share of
right to buy receipts, if they were reinvested in the borough
within three years. He stated that due to the short-term length of
this scheme, it had been difficult to reinvest the money and
therefore Thurrock had worked with PHI to purchase homes in the
area on the open market using HRA money and make use of the scheme.
He stated that if the money had not been reinvested within the
three year time period, the money would have gone back to central
government and Thurrock would have paid compound interest. He
explained that central government had then extended the deadline
for reinvestment to five years, which had improved lead in
The Strategic Lead Finance highlighted table 1, which outlined that
in 2021/22 the Council had received £21million from retained
receipts. He explained that £9.2million of this had been
spent on new properties for the HRA; and a further
£4.8million would be spent by the end of the 2021/22
financial year. He explained that this would leave approximately
£7million outstanding at the end of the year, and new
receipts of £3.6million. He explained that the first stage of
the process had been to acquire new homes through this scheme on
the open market, and the second stage would be to invest in
developments based on their financial viability. He stated that the
relationship with PHI was outlined in the report, including the
legal background and due diligence. He summarised and stated that
at the end of the 2021/22 financial year Thurrock Council would
have purchased between 130-140 houses to add to the HRA stock, and
this would help alleviate the homeless need in the borough and
reduce the allocations list.
The Chair thanked officers for the report and queried why the
Council needed PHI to help with the purchasing of the homes. The
Strategic Lead Finance replied that the team did not have the
resources or logistical time to devote to the short-term project,
particularly as buying 130-140 houses on the open market had been
challenging. He stated that PHI had acted as a purchasing agent,
and some properties had needed adaptations and works that had been
included in the lease cost. The Chair queried if this project would
continue. The Strategic Lead Finance replied that central
government rules would be changing on 1 April 2022 which meant that
Councils would only be able to purchase 20 homes on the open market
and any more would have to be a percentage of Council investment.
He explained that the scheme increased the housing stock for the
Council, but did not increase the overall number of dwellings in
the borough, so the Council would be encouraged to develop new
schemes. The Chair asked how many one bedroom properties had been
purchased through the scheme. The Strategic Lead Finance replied
that he did not have the exact figures, but Thurrock Council had
purchased almost all one bedroom properties within Thurrock that
had met the criteria. He stated that the team had therefore had to
expand the criteria to larger properties as they had exhausted the
RESOLVED: That the Committee:
1. Commented on the retained right to buy receipts position and the
partnership agreement with PHI limited.
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