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Local Development Plan Task Force

This page lists the meetings for Local Development Plan Task Force.


Information about Local Development Plan Task Force

To discuss and make recommendations in relation to the development and implementation of the Local Development Plan.


The Task Force will undertake all but not exclusively the following activities:


1.         To keep under review progress in preparing the Local Plan;


2.         Receive updates on Government policy changes and priorities insofar as they might impact on the preparation of the Local Plan;


3.         Receive reports and presentations on the development of the Local Plan evidence base and provide comments;


4.         Receive reports and presentations on the preparation of the South Essex Joint Strategic Plan and its implications for the Local Plan;


5.         Provide comment on the scope and nature of the thematic policy approaches to be considered in developing the Local Plan;


6.         Provide comment on the development of an evidence based Preferred Spatial Option;


7.         Review progress and the development of appropriate strategies and policy approaches to support the development of strategic sites within the framework provided by the Local Plan; and


8.         To keep under review the Council’s approach to community engagement in the plan-making process.