To discuss and make recommendations in relation to the development and implementation of the Local Development Plan.
The Task Force will undertake all but not exclusively the following activities:
1. To keep under review progress in preparing the Local Plan;
2. Receive updates on Government policy changes and priorities insofar as they might impact on the preparation of the Local Plan;
3. Receive reports and presentations on the development of the Local Plan evidence base and provide comments;
4. Receive reports and presentations on the preparation of the South Essex Joint Strategic Plan and its implications for the Local Plan;
5. Provide comment on the scope and nature of the thematic policy approaches to be considered in developing the Local Plan;
6. Provide comment on the development of an evidence based Preferred Spatial Option;
7. Review progress and the development of appropriate strategies and policy approaches to support the development of strategic sites within the framework provided by the Local Plan; and
8. To keep under review the Council’s approach to community engagement in the plan-making process.
Support officer: Rhiannon Whiteley, Senior Democratic Services Officer.
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