The Essex Flood Partnership Board has been created to bring together all key stakeholders so that they may contribute to a strategic overview of matters surrounding flooding in Essex. This makes sure we agree a consistent and co-ordinated approach with regard to flood risk management. The board meets quarterly and continues to contribute to key decisions on projects, strategies funding and communications.
The board comprises of an elected member from each of the 12 District, Borough and City councils within Essex. Members are often supported at the by lead advisors from their councils.
Essex County Council team
The Essex County Council flood and water management team is divided into two functions: Flood Risk Management for surface water flooding; and Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS).
The Flood Risk Management function is concerned with flood investigations, ordinary watercourse regulation and consent, development of flood risk management plans and strategies including funding applications, improvement / alleviation projects and asset management.
The SuDs function focuses on providing pre-application advice on surface water drainage, commenting on planning applications involving SuDS (currently over 1ha) and setting up the future SuDS Approval Body
Flood and Water Management Team
E3 County Hall, Market Road
Phone: 08457 430 430
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