Meeting attendance

Wednesday, 1st December, 2021 7.00 pm, Children's Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Venue:   Training Room, The Beehive Community Resource Centre, West Street, Grays, RM17 6XP

Contact:    Lucy Tricker, Senior Democratic Services Officer

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Sara Muldowney Chair Present
Councillor Graham Snell Vice-Chair Apologies
Councillor Abbie Akinbohun Committee Member Absent
Councillor Alex Anderson Committee Member Present
Councillor James Thandi Committee Member Present
Councillor Lee Watson Committee Member Apologies, sent representative
Councillor John Kent Substitute Present as substitute
Sarah Barlow Co-Optee In attendance
Kim James (Chief Operating Officer, HealthWatch Thurrock) Co-Optee Absent
Nicola Cranch (Parent Governor Representative) Co-Optee In attendance
Sally Khawaja (Parent Governor Representative) Co-Optee Apologies
Sheila Murphy Officer In attendance
Michele Lucas Officer In attendance
Janet Simon Officer In attendance
Priscilla Bruce-Annan Officer In attendance
Lucy Tricker Officer In attendance