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Decisions recommendations approved (subject to call-in)

11/09/2024 - Q1 Forecast Revenue and Capital Outturn Report ref: 834    For Determination

To note the financial position for Q1 2024/25.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/09/2024

Effective from: 24/09/2024


Councillor Muldowney presented the projected revenue outturn for 2024-25 at Quarter 1. Councillor Muldowney summarised that the Council faces a total net General Fund overspend of £2.1 million, with a projected service overspend of £3.1 million, despite transfers of £6.2 million from earmarked reserves.


Councillor Muldowney stated that to manage pressures associated to the homelessness crisis, the Place Directorate will be using £965,000 from the Covid Contain Outbreak Management Fund to offset a £1.9 million homelessness overspend. The Place Directorate also continues to face unprecedented costs associated to waste disposal. 


Councillor Muldowney noted that in Adult Social Care there is currently an underspend however the winter period could bring additional pressures, particularly around complex placements and hospital discharges. Children’s Services faces challenges with rising placement costs; to support this the directorate is working with ImPower to review these cases and manage these costs. Home to School Transport is being closely monitored as the new term begins. The Dedicated Schools Grant, particularly the High Needs Block, is under pressure due to increasing numbers of children with EHCPs.


Councillor Muldowney added that within Corporate Services options for the NATIS service are being reviewed and in Finance interim staff costs are being addressed with permanent recruitment underway. 


Councillor Muldowney confirmed that the £19.9 million savings target continues to be monitored. As of Quarter 1, 3% of this target is flagged as red and these areas are being actively addressed.


Councillor Muldowney thanked all those involved in preparing the report. The report is in a new format to provide greater transparency and detail and this is part of the shift in culture and better governance across the council.


There were no questions from the cabinet members. The Leader permitted a question from a non-executive member.


Councillor Speight queried if the reserves are actual money and the difference between reserves and earmarked reserves.


The Assistant Director of Financial Management and Procurement confirmed the figures in red are actual credits (actual money) sitting in reserves.


The Leader clarified that ear marked reserves are ear marked for a specific purpose, in the same was as a household puts money aside for a car or a holiday. The general reserves can be drawn on for anything.


The Leader thanked the Portfolio Holder and Directors for the work they had put into the report and stated that they have no alternative but to deliver on the budget. The Leader commented that between 2016-2022 only 1 million pounds of savings were identified and delivered and this is one of the reasons the Council is in the mess that it is in. The Leader passed on his gratitude to the Portfolio Holder and Directors for ensuring savings were delivered whilst doing as little damage to front line services as possible.




Cabinet noted the following:


2.1          The council’s service position and forecast overspend position as at quarter 1 of £3.070m.


2.2          That the service pressures highlighted, and the actions being taken to mitigate these, be noted, to resolve the overspend forecast against the current year budget, with a review of progress by the end of September 2024.


2.3          The capital programme and the anticipated General Fund Capital Programme slippage of £11.776m projected in the report.


2.4          This position will remain provisional while further financial review is carried out and will be presented in the next quarter report.


2.5          That the quarter 2 report will present a movement between quarters to demonstrate the direction of travel.


Reason for the decision: as outlined in this report

This decision is subject to call-in



Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Sima Khiroya

11/09/2024 - Code of Corporate Governance ref: 835    For Determination

To be completed.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 11/09/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 16/09/2024

Effective from: 24/09/2024


Councillor Worrall introduced the report and stated that this was an important step towards delivering a fresh Start for Thurrock and the code is key to ensuring that the Council operates with transparency, accountability, and integrity. Whilst it is not a statutory requirement, implementing the Local Code is considered good practice and aligns with the Improvement and Recovery Plan. The Code consolidates all the Councils governance and accountability processes into a single document, setting clear standards for how the council will function moving forward.


Councillor Worrall explained that the code has been developed in line with CIPFA guidance and with input from across the organisation. Through the Annual Governance Statement, performance will be tracked against the code, making sure that any areas needing improvement are addressed with action plans. The final adoption of the Code is planned for Full Council in October.


The Leader agreed it was a significant step forward for the Authority, the document was clear and easy to read and he commented that it was a shame it wasn’t in place previously.




2.1      Cabinet approved and agreed to adopt the draft Local Code of Governance


Reason for the decision: as outlined in the report

This decision is subject to call-in

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Helen Nicol, Donna Noble