Forthcoming decisions

Forthcoming decisions

15/10/2019 - Tuition Support Services

The Council is seeking to establish a list of multiple Providers to deliver high-quality, cost-effective and efficien Alternative Provision pathways outside of mainstream school, for children who are unable to attend school, or where is has been identified that external one-to-one tuition or group-based alternative provision may better suit their learning needs, to improve attainment outcomes and support GCSE preparation.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/02/2020

Lead officer: Roger Harris

Notice of decision: 15/10/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/10/2019 - Housing Development Process

To outline the process for the selection of Housing Development sites and agree to the criteria used.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 13/11/2019

Lead officer: Andrew Millard

Notice of decision: 15/10/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

10/09/2019 - Procurement of a Contract to Deliver a New Wide Area Network for Thurrock Council

To explain the process, set out the options and request approval to procure a replacement Wide Area Network depending on the receipt of the grant funding.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 13/11/2019

Lead officer: Sharon Bayliss

Notice of decision: 10/09/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

10/09/2019 - Sports and Recreation Strategic Action Plan

It provides the strategic framework and direction for sports and recreation provision in the borough for the next three years.  It sets out an action plan of activities, initiatives and programmes that can be delivered during this period. 

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 11/03/2020

Lead officer: Julie Rogers

Notice of decision: 10/09/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

06/08/2019 - Fees and Charges Pricing Strategy 2020/21

This report is being submitted in order to obtain Cabinet approval to make changes to the existing Fees and Charges Pricing Strategy for financial year 2020-21.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/02/2020

Lead officer: Sharon Bayliss

Notice of decision: 06/08/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Quarter 2 Financial Update

To note the Council’s medium term financial strategy position for 2019/20.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 15/01/2020

Lead officer: Sean Clark

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Draft 2020/21 Budget Proposals and Medium Term Financial Strategy Update

To recommend to Council the 2020/21 revenue and capital budgets, including the recommended council tax increase.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/02/2020

Lead officer: Sean Clark

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Capital Strategy 2020/21

To recommend to Council the 2020/21 Treasury Management Strategy.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/02/2020

Lead officer: Sean Clark

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - HRA Business Plan, Budget and Rent Setting 2020/21 Onwards

To set out the proposals for the HRA service delivery during 2020/21 and agree the budget and rents.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/02/2020

Lead officer: Roger Harris

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Local Council Tax Scheme

To present an update on the Local Council Tax Scheme.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 15/01/2020

Lead officer: Sean Clark

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Quarter 3 Financial Position

To note the Council’s forecast financial position for 2019/20.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 11/03/2020

Lead officer: Sean Clark

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Quarter 2 Financial Report

To note the Council’s forecast financial position for 2019/20.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 15/01/2020

Lead officer: Sean Clark

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Quarter 3 Corporate Performance Report

This report provides Cabinet with a summary of performance against the Corporate Scorecard 2019/20, a basket of key performance indicators.  These indicators are used to monitor the performance of key corporate priority activities and enables Members, Directors and other leaders to form an opinion as to the delivery of these priorities.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 11/03/2020

Lead officer: Karen Wheeler

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Quarter 2 Corporate Performance Report

This report provides Cabinet with a summary of performance against the Corporate Scorecard 2019/20, a basket of key performance indicators.  These indicators are used to monitor the performance of key corporate priority activities and enables Members, Directors and other leaders to form an opinion as to the delivery of these priorities.


Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 15/01/2020

Lead officer: Karen Wheeler

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Lower Thames Crossing Update

In line with the terms of reference as agreed by General Services Committee, this report provides an update to Cabinet on the recent work of the Lower Thames Crossing Task Force.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 11/03/2020

Lead officer: Andrew Millard

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Lower Thames Crossing Update

In line with the terms of reference as agreed by General Services Committee, this report provides an update to Cabinet on the recent work of the Lower Thames Crossing Task Force.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 15/01/2020

Lead officer: Andrew Millard (Director of Place)

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open

15/05/2019 - Capital Programme Proposals

The report presents the Cabinet with recommended additions and the approach to the new capital programme for 2019/20 and subsequent years. The council is undergoing considerable transformation and needs to be able to respond accordingly to service review outcomes, system requirements, operational necessities and the need to plan for those larger projects for the future as well as considering individual projects.  

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision due date: 12/02/2020

Lead officer: Sean Clark

Notice of decision: 15/05/2019

Anticipated restriction: Open