Issue - decisions

Adult Social Care Residential Care Contracts

10/04/2017 - Renewing Contracts with Care Home Providers (Decision 01104424)

Councillor Halden presented the report on behalf of Councillor S. Little, notifying Members that Care and Support Statutory Guidance issued under the Care Act 2014 stipulated that where the care planning process had determined that a person’s needs were best met in a care home, the local authority must provide for the person’s preferred choice of accommodation, subject to certain conditions.


He assured Portfolio Holders that Councillor S.Litte had ensured the same quality assurance when looking at the contracts as she did across all aspects of Adult Social Care.


RESOLVED That Cabinet:


1.         Approve a waiver from the constitutional requirement for competitive tendering for the provision of care home services for older people and working age adults, and approve a single sourcing arrangement for new contracts for care home placements commissioned by the Council.


2.         Delegate to the Corporate Director for Adults, Housing and Health in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, the authority to award contracts for care home services to meet the assessed needs and preferences of older people and working age adults.


Reason for Decision - as stated in the report

This decision is subject to call-in