Issue - decisions

Procurement of Essential Repairs to Belhus Swimming Pool

10/04/2017 - Procurement of Essential Capital Repairs to Belhus Swimming Pool (Decision 01104425)

The Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods presented her report detailing to Members that Belhus Park Swimming Pool was part of the leisure complex at Belhus and was run by Impulse Leisure in buildings that were leased from Thurrock Council.


She continued to inform Members the Council had obligations under the lease agreement to maintain the fabric of the building and that Impulse Leisure was responsible for day to day maintenance. Condition surveys, undertaken for the Council had confirmed the swimming pool was in a poor state of repair which required the Council as landlord to carry out significant essential repairs.


During discussions it was highlighted that the survey recommended that works be undertaken to the roof, heating, ventilation and filtration system. Failure to carry out these works could result in an unplanned closure of the swimming pool. 




1.         Approve delegated authority being given to the Corporate Director of Environment and Place, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods, to tender and award works up to a value £1.8m subject to a full tendering and procurement process.


Reason for Decision - as stated in the report

This decision is subject to call-in