Agenda item

18/00984/FUL: Land to North East of St Cleres Hall, Stanford Road, Stanford Le Hope


The application sought planning permission for the erection of a terrace of 4 residential dwellings following the demolition of existing buildings on the site and associated hardstanding and landscaping. The site is currently under development which was approved through two previous planning applications. The terrace would propose a pitched roof design and with a parking area and new access road through the site. The accommodation within the terrace would be set over 3 floors.  This site itself is located on the south side of Stanford Road and was previously a redundant farmyard.


The proposed 4 dwellings would be located in the Green Belt and would constitute inappropriate development unless it was to fall within one of the exceptions set out in the NPPF. The development relied upon the pre-existing buildings on the site to justify this development in the Green Belt. These buildings are required to be removed under conditions imposed on the previous permission.  As a result the proposal constitutes inappropriate development in the Green Belt.  The terrace would be located in close proximity to Stanford Road and result in a significant adverse impact upon the street scene and general character of the area.


The site is located adjacent to the Grade II* Listed Building at St Cleres Hall. The proposed terrace is located in close proximity to the boundary with the listed building and would result in a significant adverse impact upon its setting.


The Principal Planner highlighted two amendments on the report as Historic England had responded and advised they do not have any comments to add. Officers should rely upon their own Historic Building Advisor.  The second amendment was on page 196, reasons for refusal point 3, and is to reflect the wording within the NPPF and should state “substantial harm to” instead of “significant adverse impact upon”.


Councillor Jefferies sought clarification on whether the dwellings would be seen from the road and from the maps shown during Committee. The Principal Planner advised that it would not be immediately in front of the road view, it would block the view of the grade II* listed building from Stanford Road.


The Chair opened the Committee to debate the item.


The Chair began the debate and explained the building would dominate the area and he would not be willing to support the application.


Councillor Rice proposed for a site visit to gather more information and understanding of the site in person.


Councillor Piccolo expressed the concerns with this application as it had been the 3rd application on the site. The application should have brought the whole site as one application. The proposed dwellings would be dominant from Stanford Road and it would sit very close to St Cleres Hall. The local residents have also made it clear they would not be happy with the proposed dwellings.


Councillor Lawrence explained that there was already a new building on the site which is accessed via the road to the rear of St Cleres Hall.


Mr Taylor remembered a debate on this item when the previous application was brought to Committee. He agreed with Councillor Piccolo that the applicant should have done it as a whole.


Councillor Rice proposed for a site visit to the site to gather more insight on the application.


A site visit by the Committee Members was proposed by Councillor Rice and seconded by Councillor Shinnick. The planning application would be deferred until after the site visit had taken place.


Site visit:


For:                  (6) Councillors Steve Liddiard (Vice-Chair), Andrew Jefferies, Angela Lawrence, Gerard Rice, Sue Sammons and Sue Shinnick.


Against:           (3) Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Colin Churchman and Terry Piccolo


Abstain:           (0)




Until after a site visit


Supporting documents: