Agenda item

17/00403/FUL: Land to rear of Caldwell Road, Kingsman Road and Adjacent to A1013 Stanford Road


The application sought planning permission for the development of 127 homes which comprise one, two and three bedroom homes and apartments. The access to the site would be taken from a similar location which serves the existing field, but would be upgraded to form a bellmouth junction onto the Stanford Road. This will lead into the associated internal roads serving the development. To the North and North West of the site on Stanford Road a cycleway and footpath will be formed. The proposed development would comprise with a mix of houses and three apartment blocks and a play area for children. The layout of the site and the open areas to the South East are defined by the requirements of the flood zones and drainage strategy for the site. The applicant has spent a significant amount of time since the application was first received working with officers on the design of the scheme and has worked with CABE to amend the scheme. The parking provision would be within the Council’s required standards. The application proposes a policy complaint 35% of the development for affordable housing.


Councillor Rice noted that there would be 35% of affordable homes, however he felt it would be positive to take contributions off site and build on the Council’s own land for houses instead of flats. There had been no reference in the report regarding electric charging ports which should be essential on all new dwellings. Councillor Rice recommended as part of the conditions this should be included.


The Principal Planner confirmed that Housing Officers were in agreement with the proposed provision of affordable dwellings, and their type. The applicant was attempting to build a balanced community. Councillor Rice disagreed and felt that the Local Authority should be allowed to build houses instead of flats as families would need houses and not flats.


Councillor Piccolo understood what was being said by Councillor Rice, however he felt that the majority of applications do not provide affordable homes therefore this application should be accepted as they are willing to provide affordable housing although it may not be for families it will give youngsters the opportunity to get onto the housing ladder, which is already a difficult challenge for them.


The Agent, Mr James Bompas, was invited to the Committee to present his statement of support.


The Chair was in favour of the application as the applicant was willing to provide affordable housing. He agreed that the electric charger points should be included and suggested this should be added to the conditions.


Councillor Rice did not agree with the application, due to the affordable housing provision as the applicant was offering flats and not houses. Although they were proposing 1, 2 and 3 bedroom properties for the private market he felt a contribution should be made offsite which could provide a mix of houses. He felt as the proposed dwellings were not fit for families and there was a considerable amount of families on the housing waiting list.


Councillor Rice put forward a motion to defer the item to seek off site contributions


The Chair agreed there was substance to Councillor Rice’s comments, The Chair sought advice from Strategic Lead – Development Services in regards to the conditions and Councillor Rice’s previous comments could be added.


The Strategic Lead – Development Services explained that under the policy CSTP2, part 5, it says the council will seek to achieve, where viable 35% affordable housing on all new housing developments capable of accommodating 10 or more dwellings or site of 0.5 hectare or more irrespective of the number of dwellings, sites below the threshold will make an financial contribution equivalent towards of site provision.


In this case the developer was putting forward 35% affordable housing and in compliance with this policy.


Officers had consulted with Housing Officers and the proposal meets the policy so there would be no reason for refusal. To introduce offsite contributions it would require a deferral and it would not be possible to put in the conditions. It would then need to be discussed with the developer to work out the costing and then be factored in to a viability review which may have implication on timing and the delivery of the dwellings.


Councillor Lawrence agreed with the comments made by Councillor Rice as she considered the Borough is in need of two bed houses and she had concerns with the comments made by the Housing Officers. She said that all Officers and Members need to work together and start refusing applications like this to receive the outcome that is needed for the residents in Thurrock.


Mr Taylor made a point that the floorspace and volume of a 2 or 3 bedroom house would only provide accommodation for one family, whereas a flat block of equivalent space will accommodate a number of residents who are in need of homes.


Councillor Jefferies said it needed to be clear that the affordable housing was not being mixed with housing association, and he felt credit was due to the developers of this application as some residents will be happy with the development and will welcome it.


Councillor Rice suggested for a deferral on this application to allow Planning Officers time to discuss housing contributions with the Housing Officers. Councillor Shinnick seconded this. It was also agreed by Councillor Sammons.


Councillor Piccolo explained that the proposed dwellings are affordable homes which will be up for sale at an affordable price and will allow youngsters the chance to buy their first properties.


The Vice-Chair said that the Housing Team indicated that 49% of the identified need was for 1 bedroom properties which would suggest there is either two adults or one adult needing this and the units proposed for affordable housing would address this. 


It was proposed by the Chair Councillor Kelly and seconded by Councillor Jefferies that the application be approved subject to conditions and a s106 agreement.


For:                  (6) Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Steve Liddiard, Colin Churchman, Angela Lawrence, Andrew Jefferies and Terry Piccolo


Against:           (3) Councillors Sue Sammons, Sue Shinnick and Gerard Rice


Abstain:           (0)




That the application be approved, subject to conditions and s106 agreement.


Supporting documents: