Agenda item

18/00887/FUL: Land to East of Euclid Way and South of West Thurrock Way


The Application sought permission for the redevelopment of the site to provide 256 dwellings, with associated private and public amenity space, means of enclosure, parking, vehicle and pedestrian accesses and drainage.  The application site comprises the former Gala Bingo, Frankie and Bennies, KFC and the parking areas to the north and disused land to the south.


The original hybrid application submitted in 2013 was for the wider site and full permission was granted for commercial development with outline permission granted for residential development (ref. 13/01231/FUL).  Reserved matters approval pursuant to the outline was granted in 2017 and Bellway Homes are developing this first phase which is under construction (ref. 17/00548/REM).  The full permission for commercial development (13/01231/FUL) has not been implemented which has resulted in the current proposal for residential development.


The proposed development includes two storey houses and three and four storey blocks of flats. Three blocks of flats are proposed to the front of West Thurrock Way, which would include a four storey high positioned horizontally to the road and would have double gabled roofing. The proposed dwellings are a short distance to Chafford Hundred station and Lakeside Shopping centre. There would be no provision for affordable homes or any other financial contribution for Education and Health Care due to the costs associated with remediation for contamination of the site. The applicant had produced a Viability Assessment which has stated they cannot provide affordable housing. This assessment had been independently verified on behalf of the Council.


There had been no objections made although there is a risk that the dwellings will be developed on flood risk zone 3 according to a Flood Risk Assessment which was submitted.


The Principal Planner highlighted an error on the report on page 91 conditions nos. 16 and 18 “Sound proofing/Noise Insulation” as the condition was included twice. Condition no. 18 should therefore be deleted.  It was also advised that the recommendation at para. 8.1 (i) of the report should include additional wording such that if a viability review is undertaken and that review concludes that financial contributions can be supported then those contributions would be considered in light of the consultation responses referred to in the report and priorities applying at the time of the review.


Councillor Rice agreed Thurrock is in need of newly built homes, however he felt it would be important for a charging point for electric cars to be explored, as this will prevent and reduce the pollution in the Borough. There were concerns with no affordable housing being offered within the 256 dwellings. The Principal Planner referred back to the question about charging points for electric cars as it was not included in the report on condition 9, page 89, travel plan”. However the measures which conclude were not yet confirmed and this could be explored with the applicant to ensure something is put in place for this. 


Mr Taylor sought further information with regards to the Viability Review as the applicant had advised they were unable to make any contributions towards affordable housing, Health Care and Education. He asked would there be a review when the scheme was completed. The Principal Planner explained that the advice had been received from the Consultant and to a degree, on a very large proposal there would be a series of reviews. However as the proposal was for 242 units the timescale for review recommended by the Council’s consultant seemed reasonable. The applicant would already be on site and would most likely want to progress with the building as soon as any decision was made to approve the application at Committee.


Councillor Churchman wanted clarification from the objections received on page 75. The Principal Planner referred to page 88 of the agenda and despite any objectors there had been slight difficultly gathering information from the flood risk management consultant. However, a planning condition could address the issues of surface water drainage.


Councillor Piccolo requested for more information regarding the figures from the Viability Assessment review as it stated there were 20 plots proposed over 2 years. The Principal Planner confirmed that this information was provided by the assessor of the Viability review. There had been a significant amount of funds spent on the proposed site which the applicant/agent may share with the Committee during their speaker’s statement. There had been a substantial amount of engineering work down on the site and it was currently a brownfield site which the applicant was trying to get full use out of. Councillor Piccolo went on to say that the costing was not the concern it was the type of development and the house prices which will increase.


Councillor Lawrence wanted confirmation that there would be no affordable homes within the new dwellings. It was confirmed by Officers that there would be none. As stated in the report this was due to the heavily contaminated site. Councillor Lawrence felt this was unacceptable as residents in Thurrock were in need of affordable homes.


The Agent, Mr Kieran Wheeler, was invited to the Committee to present his statement of support.


During his statement Mr Wheeler confirmed that Bellway Homes would be willing to include electric charger ports in the new dwellings.


The Chair started the debate and agreed that the above application should be approved although there were slight concerns with there being no affordable homes.


Councillor Lawrence expressed how unhappy she was with the application and there being no affordable homes for residents. She put forward a motion for the item to be deferred to allow officers more time to gather information and confirm at the following meeting.


Councillor Rice said he was advised that the costing of the site would be around £6 million worth of works, he wanted clarity on whether this would have an impacted on the Viability Review. He felt that Members and Officers should insist on at least 3% of affordable homes, although Thurrock residents are in need of homes and it was positive the site’s located near Lakeside shopping centre. Councillor Rice said he would be mindful to support the application and it would be positive if electric charger ports were installed as part of the travel plan.


Councillor Jefferies stated that it would be positive for the site to propose affordable housing, however the site would be used for new dwellings which would be better than a brownfield site not being used.


Mr Taylor pointed out that the core question was how much the site was being sold for when bought and this should have all been taken into account.


Councillor Lawrence put forward a motion to defer the item and it was seconded by Councillor Shinnick, although they were the only Members to vote on this and it was not progressed.


It was proposed by Councillor Rice and seconded by the Chair Councillor Kelly that the application be approved, subject to the above amendments and a new condition addressing provision of electric vehicle charging points.


For:                  (7) Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Steve Liddiard, Colin Churchman, Andrew Jefferies, Terry Piccolo, Sue Sammons and Gerard Rice


Against:           (1) Sue Shinnick


Abstain:           (1) Angela Lawrence




That the application be approved, subject to conditions and s106 agreement.

Supporting documents: