Agenda item

18/00830/FUL - Segro site, Land Adjacent A13 A1306 and to rear of 191-235 Purfleet Road, Aveley Essex


The Chair and Councillor Piccolo entered at 19:28


The proposal was for full planning permission for the erection of a new warehouse and distribution centre (B8 Use Class) with ancillary offices, two associated gate house buildings and two welfare hubs, the proposal would also seek 24 hour use.


The Principal Planner advised the Committee that this was a larger development than previously submitted. The outline permission in 2014 for application 12/00862/OUT was followed by the reserved matters permission which permitted two warehouse buildings on the site. This application still remains a live consent until 22 August 2019, therefore it can still be implemented.


The Principal Planner referred to page 79 point 3.4 of the Agenda.


It was confirmed by the Principal Planner that the residents currently living in Purfleet would not be affected by the proposed building. The site located close to the Wennington junction interchange and Purfleet road had been realigned and noise barriers would be in place to ensure residents were not affected by the 24 hour use.


The HGV access to the site, would be a separate route into the warehouse and on leaving the site they would not have the opportunity to turn left at Purfleet Road due to the properties and a weight restriction in place.


The proposed warehouse would offer onsite parking for employees, with one large warehouse furthest away from all the homes on Purfleet road. There would be loading bays on site.


The newly developed warehouse would provide employment opportunities for residents in Thurrock and would allow a good access route to the Wennington interchange, which would reduce the opportunity for HGV’s driving into Purfleet.


The Chair opened the Committee to questions regarding the planning application 18/00830/FUL.


The Chair asked what precautions were in place to prevent HGV’s from turning left on Purfleet Road, as there were not any physical restrictions other than the weight restriction. The Principal Planner confirmed that the junction was designed to prevent anyone turning left out of the site as there was a weight restriction in place to the left of the junction.


Councillor Rice referred to page 80 point 4.10 as it discussed the various people consulted and the Flood Risk advisors have objected to the application and he asked if this had been rectified. The Principal Planner confirmed that this was resolved through the inclusion of a surface water management plan condition.


Councillor Sammons wanted clarity on the proposed building as the pictures shared looked as though the warehouse would be built directly opposite the residents properties on Purfleet Road. The Principal Planner stated the residents on Purfleet Road have a landscape bund and that this would screen the warehouse. It would be designed to ensure that the residents would not be affected visually and include noise barriers.


Councillor Churchman shared his concerns for residents that would be affected by the lighting of the warehouse and the lighting in the car parks on site. The Principal Planner advised the car park would be multi storey within a building and the access roads would be at a lower level than the landscape bund which screens the site so the neighbouring residential properties would not be affected.


Councillor Lawrence wanted clarity on whether the site was in the greenbelt zone 10 years prior. She asked if landscaping could be enforced before the warehouse was developed and what types of trees would be put in place to ensure that residents were not affected by the 24 hour use of the warehouse.


The Principal Planner referred to conditions 5 of the recommendations, Modern design cladding had been considered as acceptable. He stated that on condition 25 on page 102 requires a Construction Environment Management Plan to be negotiated with the application prior commencement of development on site.


Councillor Rice explained the importance of trees being put in place around the warehouse as the lighting of the 24 hour use warehouse would shine through resident’s windows throughout the night and Councillors need to be more sympathetic with residents and the area this warehouse is being proposed in.


The Agent, Mr Alastair Bird was invited to the Committee to present his statement of support.


Councillor Rice said the proposal seems very positive, however when autumn falls the leaves will fall off the trees and the residents will be affected. He recommended for mature cherry Loral bushes to be put in place as they are an all year round tree and this will ensure residents are not impacted by the 24 hour use of the site. He asked if this could be included in the conditions.


The Development Management Team Leader advised that the conditions are laid out in the report and they meet the tests that are required, however the Planning Officers will take this information back to the applicant and advise.


It was proposed by Councillor Jefferies and seconded by Councillor Churchman that the application be granted planning permission, subject to conditions, as per the Officer’s recommendations.


For (8): Councillors T Kelly, S Liddiard, C Churchman, A Jefferies, T Piccolo, G Rice, and A Lawrence.


Against: (1) Councillor S Sammons


Abstain: (0)


RESOLVED: That the application be approved, subject to conditions as per the Officer’s recommendations.

Supporting documents: