Agenda item

18/00507/FUL - Land Adjacent Moore Avenue, Devonshire Road, London Road South Stifford, Grays Essex


It was highlighted before the above item was discussed that Councillor Sammons would not have the opportunity to vote or comment on the above item as she was absent from the Committee when it was initially presented.


The planning application was a proposal for a redevelopment of the site to provide 102 dwellings and associated access, parking, public open space, landscaping and drainage infrastructure.


The application was initially presented at the Planning Committee on 16 August 2018, however it was deferred to enable Officers to consider whether funding could be secured for NHS England to improve local healthcare facilities. The Principal Planner explained that the NHS England have sought a financial contribution towards the Thurrock Health Centre in Grays.  However following further discussions with NHS England Officers advised that the contribution sought could not be secured without specific references to the Council Infrastructure Requirements List [IRL] as a specific CIL compliant project shall need to be listed in the IRL to enable the Council to secure a financial contribution. The Principal Planner advised that Officers would be working with the NHS to update the IRL with regards to the including the relevant healthcare projects on the IRL list.


The Principal Planner advised the Committee that since the publication of the agenda, the applicant had agreed to provide the full NHS contribution. Members were advised that The Heads of Terms of the s.106 had been updated to include the following:


(i)         The provision of 23% of the dwellings as affordable housing (intermediate tenure – 10 x 1 bed and 13 x 2 bed);

(ii)        Financial contribution of £568,389.07 (subject to indexation) payable prior to first occupation towards the cost of additional primary school places (Belmont Academy) and secondary school places (William Edwards).

(iii)       Review mechanism in the event that the scheme has not reached slab level on 50 units within 2 years of consent being granted

(iv)       Financial contribution of £40,227 (subject to indexation) towards local healthcare facilities payable prior to first occupation. NHS England to identify a CIL regulation compliant IRL project within three months of the date of planning permission being granted. 

(v)        In the event that NHS England do not identify such a project, the financial contribution of £40,227 will be distributed, at the Council’s discretion, towards the provision of affordable housing and/or education contributions.


This application sought full planning permission and proposed a new access road into the estate of 102 new dwellings, with the provision of 23% as affordable housing and the financial contribution of £568,389.07 (subject to indexation) payable prior to first occupation towards the cost of additional primary school places (Belmont Academy) and secondary school places (William Edwards).


The Principal Planner stated the planning conditions will remain the same from the previous Committee meeting.


The Chair opened the Committee to questions.


Councillor Rice wanted clarity on whether the land to the north of the site could be conditioned to be used for open space as it be difficult to develop as it would be too close to the oil storage site of Askew Farm and the blast zone. The Principal Planner confirmed the area to the north of the site was within the blast zone to Askew Farm but was outside of the application site and could not be subject to any planning conditions for using the land for any specific use.


Councillor Rice appreciated the confirmation and advised it would be positive for the Planning Officers to discuss with the developer that the green space be set aside for the young people in the borough because it cannot be built on, and could be used for recreational purposes.


The Chair asked who owned the site at the top and asked if this could be recommended. It was unclear as to who owned the land however and Strategic Lead – Development Services advised it was something which could not be conditioned as part of this application but it could be discussed with the developer following the meeting


The Chair explained to the Committee this item had been mentioned in the media and he asked for clarity around this from the Officers. The Principal Planner informed that there had been correspondence received from the residents raising concerns with bulldozers and other building works occurring on the site before the application had been approved. The Principal Planner made contact with Bellway Homes and they explained there had been ecology surveying ongoing on the site. The Principal Planner advised that the Council’s Landscape and Ecology had inspected the site and confirmed the works were ecology survey work.


The Chair opened the item to debate


The Chair explained the above application was deferred at Committee on 16 August and therefore there would be no speakers on this item as they were heard at the last Committee. The Chair felt it was extremely positive that the funds were being offered as this was one of the reasons for the item being deferred initially. He felt it would not be ideal to refuse this application after contributing towards the healthcare facilities in Grays and it should be made clear by the Leader of the Council as to why the number of health care facilities is low as this would need to be rectified right away. The Chair did not feel there were any reason to refuse the application as there had been the relevant changes made.


Councillor Rice expressed that the amount being offered was only due to the Planning Committees intervention as it was clear that the borough had always had lacked doctors. When the properties were being built, the Officers would need to ensure that NHS England are fully involved. Councillor Rice agreed that it would be positive for 102 new dwellings to be built in the borough for the residents.


It was proposed by Councillor Liddiard and seconded by Councillor Jefferies that the application be approved subject to conditions.


For (7): Councillors T Kelly, S Liddiard, C Churchman, A Lawrence, A Jefferies, T Piccolo, G Rice.


Against: (0)


Abstain: (1): Councillor S Sammons


RESOLVED: That the application be approved, subject to conditions.

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