Agenda item

17/01504/FUL: Stanford Le Hope Railway Station, London Road, Stanford Le Hope, Essex SS17 0JX


The application sought planning permission for redevelopment of the existing station to provide a new station building of 517 sq.m., a new footbridge, forecourt and associated vehicle drop-off and pick-up areas, 84 new cycle spaces and ancillary retail (Class A1/A3) premises.  The Committee was advised that there had been amendments to include updated plan nos.  It was suggested that Condition 7 should be amended to reference acoustic fencing; Condition 10 should be amended to read ‘The commercial unit hereby permitted shall be used solely for purposes falling within the Classes A1 or A3 of the Schedule to the Town & Country Planning [Use Classes] Order 1987 [as amended] and for no other purpose.’  There should also be an additional condition restricting hours of operation of the retail unit to 6:00am-10:00pm.


Councillor Ojetola sought further information regarding the new parking area and bus drop-off point.  It was confirmed that the existing station building would be moved further south, allowing more space for a drop-off / pick-up area for taxis and potential for a bus turnaround area with a bus shelter.


Councillor Hamilton noted that plans showed the bus turnaround cutting across a zebra crossing and asked if that did not raise a potential safety hazard.  The Senior Highways Engineer confirmed that, provided the pedestrian crossing was marked correctly, there would be no real concerns.


Councillor Hamilton also queried how many carriages could be facilitated along the platform.  The platform had been extended in recent years and therefore there was potential for up to 12 carriages.


A resident, Paul Ward, was invited to the Committee to present his statement of objection.


The Agent, Stephen Humphry, was invited to the Committee to present his statement of support.


Councillor Piccolo requested more detail regarding expected footfall and whether the additional 700 would be all at once, surely there would be limitations due to carriage capacity.  Officers confirmed that the application would facilitate an interchange to encourage sustainable transport and reduce vehicle movements which was supported by both national and local policy.  It would be difficult to qualify exact movements and times however ‘peak’ time was 7am-9am so it would not be the case that all 700 would arrive in one hit.  DP World and London Gateway had arranged their shift patterns so as not to coincide with peak time specifically to avoid such a scenario.  There was also the potential added benefit that these additional 700 commuters would be taken off the road network.


Councillor Ojetola appreciated the concerns raised by residents but felt officers had rightly balanced these concerns with the potential to reduce vehicle movements on the local road network.  He commended officers for their efforts to mitigate the impact upon neighbouring properties.  Were the application refused the increased footfall could still occur at the station and therefore he was happy to support it.


Councillor Rice agreed that it was a good application which would improve local infrastructure and take some cars off local roads.  It would also provide a long-term benefit for the Council’s Local Plan in terms of housing to provide homes for increased employment in the area.


Councillor Piccolo stated that he had originally been concerned regarding impact upon local residents and was pleased to see the work that had been undertaken to mitigate this.  He agreed that the increase in footfall could happen regardless of changes to the station and the application would mitigate the impact of extra travellers.  At present the biggest imposition was buses stopping on London Road; if it could be ensured that buses would use the proposed turnaround area it would reduce tailbacks in the area.  He supported the application as he could see now real planning grounds on which to object.


The Chair echoed many previous comments.  He felt the application provided an improvement on the existing station and it would be for the Council to closely monitor vehicle movements once the scheme was up and running.


It was proposed by Councillor Ojetola and seconded by the Vice-Chair that the application be approved, subject to amended and additional conditions, as per the Officer’s recommendation.


For:                  Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Steve Liddiard (Vice-Chair), Colin Churchman, Graham Hamilton, Tunde Ojetola, Terry Piccolo, Gerard Rice, Graham Snell and David Potter.


Against:           (0)


Abstain:           (0)




That the application be approved, subject to conditions.


Supporting documents: