Agenda item

Pilot Development of Head Start Housing for Care Leavers & Vulnerable Young People


The Portfolio Holder for Education and Health, Councillor Halden, presented the report which outlined how Thurrock Council would support young people after they left care, in finding suitable housing accommodation. A pilot scheme was developed, Head Start Housing for Care Leavers, which was in partnership with Inspire to address the housing issues that young care leavers faced. Two further developments were also created which were house of multiple occupancy (HMOs).


This pilot scheme has already helped to save up to £84,000 and would avoid spot placements which often happened when leaving care and was costly. The safety of young care leavers was paramount and aimed to be as flexible as possible to all young care leavers. Criminal offenders would not be eligible for the scheme. The scheme would run for 24 months with reviews taking place within the 6th, 12th and 18th month which would also discuss other plans such as debt management or education. Councillor Halden felt the scheme was positive and praised the Children’s Services department on their work on care leaver housing issues.


Councillor Spillman welcomed the scheme as it brought departments together which he felt had become too compartmentalised. Councillor Halden agreed that compartmentalisation was not good and said that some of the impacts from this had been quite significant. He hoped the departments would be able to operate from a common middle ground with this scheme.


Councillor Spillman questioned what the team for this scheme comprised of. The Corporate Director for Children’s Services (CDCS), Rory Patterson, replied that advisors had been specifically recruited for children in care. A variety of skillsets had helped to bring the team together enabling them to be successful in their work. Councillor Spillman further questioned the number of workers and caseloads that was currently being handled. The CDCS would provide details in an email.


The CER congratulated the Children’s Services department on their work and welcomed the scheme. Echoing this, the YCC thought the scheme was innovative and would ensure young care leavers were supported. He went on to ask for clarity on paragraphs 2.9, in particular, the reference, ‘hand in hand with support work being undertaken with the Inspire team’, and 2.4 which he thought was in regards to additional support. Councillor Halden confirmed that 2.9 referred to council tax exemption for care leavers aged 18 – 21 and in exceptional circumstances, up to 25 years old. The support offer from Inspire was all inclusive which meant that any young person walking into the Inspire hub could receive advice on anything from CVs to debts. The ‘hand in hand’ support from the Inspire team referred to providing young care leavers with housing advice in partnership with the housing team.


The YCC asked for further clarity on whether the support from Inspire would end when young care leavers gained the council tax exemption. Councillor Halden stated this would not be the case and that the support offer would continue regardless. The CDCS added that support from Inspire would continue up until the age of 25.


Referring to paragraph 2.8, Councillor Redsell asked for clarity on the sentence, ‘support to our young people in the care system who are 17’ as she thought it would not just be 17 year olds. She went on to ask what the aftercare team was and what exceptional circumstances constituted council tax exemption. Councillor Halden replied that 2.8 referred to future developments regarding transitional support and recognised that some young people would need support before leaving care due to instability. The 17 year old age group was the transitional period of leaving care. Councillor Redsell went on to ask if young people at 18 years of age, after leaving for university, would be allowed to return to their foster home if they wanted to. Councillor Halden confirmed that this option was still in place. He went on to say that the council tax exemptions were down to officers in the department to assess cases and make their own decisions without having to go through long processes.


The Vice-Chair queried why the timeframe for the scheme only ran for 24 months which he felt was quite short. He also asked what happened to young care leavers after the scheme ended for them. Councillor Halden replied that they currently had 42 17 year olds in the scheme and the 24 month timeframe would ensure there was a turnover in the scheme and that young people could be moved on when they were ready. The work was designed to ensure young people felt safe and build upon what they needed. The reviews at the 6th, 12th and 18th month would ensure young care leavers would transition out of care smoothly. During this period, the housing tenancy would look into each young care leaver’s case on their eligibility for housing which meant they would not have to apply for housing tenancy. This process ensured the planning would be there.


Councillor Collins thanked Councillor Halden on joining the departments to work together in this scheme. He queried the sustainability of the project due to Councillor Halden’s earlier comment on the current number of 42 17 year olds in the scheme and asked if this was the maximum number that could enter the scheme at a time. Councillor Halden clarified that the number given was what was currently in the scheme, not the maximum amount. The scheme ensured no one would fall through the net and would receive the support they needed.


Members discussed a motion on council tax age exemption that had been presented at the last Full Council meeting on 29th November 2017. This also concerned other departments within the Council and Councillor Halden pointed out that council tax exemption would not be the only support to young care leavers. They would need support in other matters as well. Some of the Members felt that the proposal in the report was not in the spirit of the amendment of the motion presented at Full Council. There was not enough information and felt the proposal of the scheme had not been scrutinised enough so therefore, could not agree with some of the recommendations presented. Councillor Halden advised he could provide more information if required and answer more questions.


The Vice-Chair voiced his concern on the 24 month timeframe of the scheme and asked for reassurance that contact would still be in place with young care leavers after the 24 month period. Councillor Halden responded that the scheme would provide young people with a pathway towards the end of their 24 months. Similar to Corporate Parenting Committee, data and cases could be provided to the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee to show what happened to a young person after leaving care. The CDCS gave reassurance that the service department had a responsibility to ensure young care leavers were not left destitute or homeless after leaving the HMOs scheme. The service department would ensure the young care leaver would be provided with or have found suitable accommodation and continue to receive support until the age of 25 years old.


In regards to the recommendations in the report, Members felt the wording of recommendation 1.4 needed to be amended. This was due to the lack of information given on the age exemption for council tax. With the wording amended for recommendation 1.4, Members agreed on the recommendations.




1)    That the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee note and provide comments on the pilot HMO and support the ongoing development of the programme to enable more properties to be available for the scheme.


2)    That the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee support the development of a transitional housing scheme and would provide personalised support for young people as they enter the aftercare service.


3)    That the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee note and make comments on a more joint working approach between Social Care and Housing to improve the offer to care leavers.


4)    That the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the proposal to exempt Care Leavers from Council Tax and receive additional information regarding options for the above and to make recommendations.


Councillor Halden left the meeting at 8.17pm.


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