Agenda item

17/00763/FUL: Barmoor House, Farm Road, Chadwell St Mary, Essex, RM16 3AH


The application sought planning permission for extensions and alterations to the existing chalet bungalow to facilitate the subdivision into 5 residential dwellings.


Councillor Rice noted neighbour letters which cited poor quality of the access road.  Since the road was private land he asked why the applicant had not been asked to improve the condition of the road by way of a contribution.  The Highways Engineer advised that a site visit had been carried out by highways officers and while the road was somewhat in disrepair it was not so bad as to be in conflict with the disability discrimination act and therefore it was not suitable as a condition; however it was suggested that an informative be added advising the condition of the road be improved.


Councillor Piccolo asked whether the proposals decreased the overall footprint and therefore caused less impact to the Green Belt than the existing lay out.  The principal planning officer confirmed there was a decrease in volume across the site and the built footprint also decreased within the proposals.


The Vice-Chair sought clarity around proposals and asked whether there would be 5 extra buildings.  The Committee heard that the single building would be extended and become a terrace of 5 dwellings.


Councillor Ojetola asked officers to confirm the function of adding an informative.  The principal planning officer clarified that it was not an enforceable condition, but a point of note to the applicant.


Councillor Redsell questioned the parking provision proposed.  There would be 2 parking spaces per unit with an additional 3 spaces for visitor parking.


Councillor Rice reiterated his wish to include an informative regarding the condition of the access road.


Councillor Liddiard agreed, whilst he was minded to approve the application it would be good to add the informative as the road was in poor condition and the Committee might regret not requesting improvements in future.


Councillor Piccolo understood Members’ concerns but felt prospective buyers would have more power to ensure the road was improved, given that it was private land and the Council could not enforce a condition.  He added that Thurrock needed more homes and an additional four homes in a nice area, without affecting the Green Belt was an improvement.  He was happy to include the informative but felt it would come down to prospective buyers.


Councillor Ojetola noted that the application outlined no objections from highways officers and the fact that the road was a private matter which could not be considered by the Committee.  He agreed that market forces would determine the matter and Members had made their views clearly known.


The Assistant Director of Planning and Growth advised that the Committee could not insist upon improvements to the road and therefore an informative was the correct way to convey its wishes.


Councillor Snell echoed that it was important to note the difference between building five new homes and extending an existing building to create five dwellings.  He agreed with the addition of an informative regarding the condition of the road so that it would be in a fit and proper state when the development was finished, after that it would be private land and the responsibility of the landowner.


The Campaign to Protect Rural Essex representative agreed with the recommendation.  Although the site was within the Green Belt, the proposal essentially filled a gap between existing properties and would result in a reduced footprint and improved aesthetics.


It was proposed by Councillor Ojetola and seconded by Councillor Snell that the application be approved, subject to conditions as per the officer’s recommendation, with the addition of an informative regarding the road condition.


For:                  Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Steve Liddiard (Vice-Chair), Tunde Ojetola, Terry Piccolo, Gerard Rice, Graham Snell and Joycelyn Redsell.


Against:           (0)


Abstain:           (0)




That the application be approved, subject to conditions, with the addition of an informative regarding the road condition.


Supporting documents: