Agenda item

17/00772/FUL: The Ockendon Academy, Erriff Drive, South Ockendon, Essex, RM15 5AN


The application sought full planning permission for a new sports hall with associated facilities.  The site was located within the Green Belt and constituted inappropriate development, however officers had assessed the Very Special Circumstances outlined by the applicant as outweighing the potential harm.  The application was therefore recommended for approval, subject to referral to the Planning Casework Unit and conditions. 


The Vice-Chair asked for confirmation that the proposal would allow for additional school places.  The principal planning officer advised that the school roll was increasing, but that the building was to provide improved facilities.


Councillor Redsell asked how much space would be lost to the school, such as parking spaces or playground space.  No parking would be lost.  There would be a reduction in playground space however the proposal would provide sports facilities and therefore there would be no harm to the health and wellbeing of the children.


Councillor Piccolo asked officers to verify that the school would be under provisioned if nothing were done.  The Committee heard that this was correct.


The applicant, Barbara King, was invited to the Committee to present her statement of support.


Councillor Ojetola queried the additional 240 students in each year, it was confirmed that there would be 240 pupils in total in each year group.


The Vice-Chair expressed his view that the proposal would offer an amazing opportunity and increased school places which was to be commended.


Councillor Rice echoed that the application would provide brilliant facilities in a somewhat deprived area and offered his full support.


Councillor Redsell admitted that while it was a brilliant scheme she was concerned that an increase in students would mean increased vehicle movements and there were problems throughout the borough around schools.  The Senior Highways Engineer advised that there was a condition for the school to provide an updated Travel Plan.  The Committee was also reminded that the application was for a replacement sports facility and would not directly increase vehicle movements at the school.


Councillor Ojetola agreed the suggestion was plausible however it would have been for consideration that the time when the increased roll was agreed.  The application simply allowed provision for facilities for the agreed increased number of pupils.  He was pleased that the Very Special Circumstances clearly outweighed the Green Belt issues and wished to support the school and the application.


Councillor Piccolo highlighted that the increase in numbers had already been agreed and therefore the application would simply increase the schools capacity for sport provision.  He felt it was important to improve provision for schools and this was for sports facilities which would improve health and wellbeing and possibly tackle the issue of obesity.  He noted that the facility was also intended for use by other groups and would therefore benefit the local community.  He fully supported the application.


It was proposed by Councillor Rice and seconded by Councillor Ojetola that the application be approved, subject to referral to the Planning Casework Unit and conditions, as per the officers’ recommendation.


For:                  Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Steve Liddiard (Vice-Chair), Tunde Ojetola, Terry Piccolo, Gerard Rice, Graham Snell and Joycelyn Redsell.


Against:           (0)


Abstain:           (0)




That the application be approved, subject to referral to the Planning Casework Unit and conditions.


Supporting documents: