Agenda item

17/00548/REM: Land To east of Euclid Way and South of West Thurrock Way, West Thurrock, Essex


The Principal Planner (Major Applications) began by informing Members that the department had received a late letter, which was not included within the agenda.  It referenced surface water drainage which was the subject of a condition of the outline approval and therefore not for consideration as part of this reserved matters submission.  The application sought approval of the reserved matters, namely layout, scale, appearance and landscaping, for Phase 1 of the outline (residential) part of permission ref. 13/01231/FUL.  This application comprised the construction of 214 residential dwellings, new public open space, car parking and associated infrastructure works.


Councillor B. Little queried the provision for affordable housing.  The Committee heard that there was no affordable housing included within the proposal, but this had been jusitifed by a viability assessment at the outline stage which had been considered by Committee in 2014.


Councillor Ojetola sought clarification around the point of access.  It would be via West Thurrock Way, with minor remodelling of the roundabout nearest KFC.  There was also a S106 requirement to ensure a bus link and the service would also be funded via a contribution within the existing S106 agreement.  If the proposed supermarket were built there would be another point of access from the same roundabout.


The Agent, Catherine Williams, was invited to the Committee to present her statement of support.


Councillor Ojetola asked what impact the 214 units would have upon the local catchment schools.  Members were reminded that this was a reserved matters application and the impact upon local education, GP services etc. had been considered at the outline stage and found acceptable. 


Councillor Hamilton asked for further details regarding the proposed bus route.  The route would be part of the hopper service and this stretch was one piece of a larger picture, in attempts to create a circular route to encourage more users and visitors to the Lakeside Basin  to use bus services.  The route had been agreed with operators, and as the residential road would not have heavy traffic it was deemed that there would be no detrimental impact.  Everything requested at the outline stage had been provided.


Councillor Piccolo asked if there was any possibility of an updated viability assessment to see if there was any hope of affordable housing provision.  He expressed his concern that the residential route could become a ‘rat run’ during peak traffic.  Since the supermarket had been the main driver of the S106 contributions he asked whether it would be phased.


The Principal Planner (Major Applications) confirmed that Officers and Committee Members had been satisfied that the cost of decontamination of the site were high and that this factor influenced the capability of delivering affordable housing.  There would be bus control measures such as a bus gate as it would be undesirable for vehicles to cut through.  The S106 payments were triggered in part by commercial construction and in part by the residential development. 


Councillor Rice welcomed the application which would transform Lakeside into a town.  The site was near a railway and there would be a hopper service and would provide much needed residential homes.


Councillor Ojetola agreed that the application, particularly the parking provision, was impressive.  Education contributions had been agreed and he was happy to support it.


Councillor Snell agreed that the application would provide much needed homes in a prime location.  He was disappointed by the design of the 3 bedroom houses but the development as a whole was good.


It was proposed by Councillor Piccolo and seconded by Councillor Rice that the application be approved, subject to conditions, as per the Officer’s recommendation.


For:                  Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Steve Liddiard (Vice-Chair), Graham Hamilton, Tunde Ojetola, Terry Piccolo, Gerard Rice, Graham Snell and Brian Little.


Against:           (0)


Abstained:       (0)




That the application be approved, subject to conditions, as per the Officer’s recommendation.


At 8:55pm the Committee agreed to suspend standing orders until the close of business.


The meeting adjourned at 8:56pm and reconvened at 9:04pm.


Supporting documents: