Agenda item

Success Regime Progress Update


Wendy Smith, Interim Communications Lead, Mid and South Essex Success Regime presented the report and stated that this was an ongoing project currently in the discussion stage. This stage will involve more input from service users to look how health and care can become more local and ways of truly knowing what people need and delivering this on a one-two-one basis. Also to look to join up services such as primary care, general practitioner services, community care, social care and mental health. The vision of the success regime will become more articulate in the sustainability and transformation plan, a draft will be available by the end of June 2016. It was stated that Thurrock was already ahead of these developments.


Wendy Smith briefly explained the challenges ahead and the main areas for change. It was hoped to have a draft proposal of the success regime to present to the Health and Wellbeing Board in March 2017.


The Chair thanked Wendy for the complex and interesting presentation and asked Mandy Ansell for comments.


Mandy Ansell commented that it would be useful for Members to bring this down to how the Success Regime would affect Thurrock and referred members to the New Model of Integrated Out of Hospital Care slide which cuts to the very core of what was already been achieved in Thurrock.


Mandy Ansell stated that Thurrock CCG were the cutting age of the community out of hospital strategy and as such will be leading the frailty pathway.


It was important for Members to understand the integration agenda currently being worked on with Officers and their teams through the better care fund to deliver a much more integrated model of delivery.


Mandy Ansell emphasised that Thurrock CCG is the only CCG in Essex that achieved the reduction in unplanned care which was a target in the BFC last year and as such has been able to re-invest £800,000 back into the community service to further keep people out of hospital.


In the wider context, consultation on the out of hospital strategy which had been led by HealthWatch had been undertaken with the public. The proposed model for Tilbury and Purfleet will also be used for the Thurrock Community Hospital and the new build in Corringham by NELFT. To look at the integrated services in a wider sense through voluntary and council services to address the lack of general practitioner capacity and to allow general practitioners to do what they have to do and other services will be picked up by other health professionals or social care partners.


Councillor Snell stated his concern over the Success Regime and that every effort to ensure that the one size fits all approach was avoided and should be tailored for each authority.


Councillor Watkins asked Officers what work would be undertaken with those practices that were under performing. Mandy Ansell stated that changes in practice profile, providing new providers and the re-siting of practices will be the way forward and change has already been achieved since the challenges in Tilbury in the summer of 2015.


Councillor Snell stated his concerns on how overspends or underspends would be addressed.


Councillor Halden restated that the Success Regime item will continue to be monitored.


Roger Harris stated that he had concerns with the proposed big changes to programmes and there were potential risks, therefore the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee will be watching this item closely and will support locally to ensure that it does not distract from what was already in place.


The Chair stated close scrutiny would be undertaken by all Members of the committee on this item and requested that this item be returned to the Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee for further update in September 2016.


Wendy Smith asked the Chair to formally write to her with Thurrock Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Members concerns and comments. The Chair and Members agreed this will be done.




1.         That the Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the progress update report.


2.         That the Chair would formally write to Wendy Smith to support the comments made by Members.


3.         That Members agreed that a further report be brought back to Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee in November.


Wendy Smith and Ruth Ashmore left the Committee Room at 9.00pm.

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