Agenda item

Investment and Development Programme 2015/16


The Head of Housing and Corporate Commercial Services introduced the report which set out the key deliverables achieved in 2014/15 and the key priorities for 2015/16 related to the Housing Investment and Development Programmes.


Councillor Ojetola commended the apprenticeships and training programme and questioned how many residents were consulted to achieve the 80% good rating in repairs and maintenance. Officers reported that 3,600 residents were consulted throughout the year and that the service aimed to sample 10% of the 40,000 tenants each month.


The Committee were advised that the service was committed to improving the speed of which service calls were answered through the call handling team, and that new technology had been introduced to enable residents to monitor and receive updates on repair and maintenance jobs online.


Councillor MacPherson asked whether apprenticeship opportunities were targeted only at young people, in response officers explained that the pathway programme through the Princes Trust was aimed at 18-25 year olds, the Housing Trust for those over 19 years of age, and the Definite Programme targeted those aged 50 years and above.


Members welcomed the fact the housing service offered an apprenticeship programme for older people to help retrain local residents to learn new skills.


Councillor Ojetola asked for clarification on the performance target for the Transforming Homes Programme and questioned what was being done differently in 2015/16 to address the issues that had been highlighted.


The Head of Housing and Corporate Commercial Services advised that the ‘good to excellent’ performance target for 2015/16 would be 80%, that was expected to be delivered through a number of new appointed contractors and improvement plans and targets that had been written into contracts.


Members were informed that a number of actions were being taken to address damp and mould in council properties, which included proactive surveys through contractors and information and advice offered to residents on how to increase ventilation in the home in order to reduce the number of incidences of mould growth.


The Committee were informed of the progress of tacking damp and mould in homes in Chadwell-St-Mary and Tilbury, which were in different phases of the Transforming Homes Programme.


Councillor Ojetola observed that the financial implications of damp and mould remedial works were dependent on the number cases that came to light through surveys and questioned how all works would be addressed within the existing budget.


In response the Head of Housing and Corporate Commercial Services explained that damp and mould issues were addressed both through the Damp and Mould and Repairs and Maintenance Programmes with the cost offset between both budgets, with the more extensive problems resolved through the Damp and Mould Programme.


Members were advised that a report would be referred to the Committee later in the year to set out a further 5-year programme, which would then be referred to Cabinet for approval.


Councillor Ojetola highlighted that the financial implications section of the report required further explanation and improvement in future, to which the Director of Housing noted.


Members commended the social value delivered through the Housing service, particularly in relation to the pathways into employment for young people and reducing those Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET’s).




1.         That the contents of the report be noted.


2.         That the key housing programmes and objectives for 2015/16 be noted (as detailed in section 3), outlining the key benefits that will be delivered by each work stream in the Housing Investment and Development team work plan.

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