Councillor Carter presented the report that sought Cabinet approval on the option proposed within this report including the approval of additional spend that was required for the expansion of Tilbury Pioneer Academy. The report also sought Cabinet approval of £1M to proceed with works to convert a council owned building in Northview Avenue, Tilbury to a secondary SEMH (Social, Emotional, Mental Health provision, which will be run by Olive Academy. The works would be funded from the DfE SEN Capital Grant (not Council general fund), which has sufficient funds available. Additionally, this report provided an update on current capital projects managed by Thurrock Council which form part of the current school capital programme outlining the progress that has been achieved since the last report to Cabinet in March 2023. Councillor Carter stated that there had been unanimous agreement at the Children’s Services Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on the 12 March 2024 to support recommendation 1.2 to Approve a budget of £4.75m and made that recommendation to cabinet.
Approved a budget of £4.75M budget for the new build works
to allow for the expansion of Tilbury Pioneer Academy to be funded
from the School’s Basic Need capital funding
Approved the commencement of the procurement process in
accordance with Council & UK procurement procedures to vary the
appointment and scope of works to be undertaken by the Multi
Discipline design team for the Tilbury Pioneer Expansion Project
and appoint the Principal Contractors to take forward the proposed
desired scheme.
1.3 That authority be delegated to the Director of
Children’s Services, in consultation with the Education
Portfolio Holder, to enter into any form of agreement following the
award of the agreements arising from 1.1 or 1.2 above in compliance
with the Council’s procurement regulations.
Approved a £1M budget for alternation works in Northview
Avenue, Tilbury to allow for a secondary SEMH provision to be
funded from SEN Capital government grant 2023/24.
5. Noted the recent in-year accommodation works that have commenced and completed in order to ensure sufficient pupil places for 2023/2024.
Reason for decision: as outlined in the report.
This decision is subject to call-in.
Supporting documents: