The Housing Development Senior Project Manager introduced the report to the Committee. The report outlines that the best option is to demolish the units and re-build.
The following key points were highlighted:
· Members expressed concern that hard copies of the report had not been received with the agenda and only an electronic version was provided by email. The Assistant Director of Housing Management and Development responded that the delay was due to internal sign-off and Commissioner sign-off and the reports were made available electronically 24 hours after the agenda was published. The Assistant Director of Housing Management and Development clarified that Members are not been asked to make any decisions.
· Members queried how many units will be re-built. The Housing Development Senior Project Manager responded that 36 flats will be demolished and 48 units will be re-built comprising of 30 houses and 18 apartments. Wheelchair access will be provided and lifetime home standards so the homes can be easily adjusted as residents age.
· Members queried where they are up to with decanting. A report is currently going through Cabinet for internal approval and external approval for funding is also required, then the process of decanting will begin.
· The Head of Housing Development confirmed residents will be given an option to return. Conversations will take place with residents at the time of decanting regarding their future wishes. Some may settle in their new homes whilst the build is taking place and may not wish to return.
· Members queried if officers are confident given the financial risk with the project. The Assistant Director for Strategic and Corporate Finance stated that considering the ongoing maintenance required it becomes uneconomical and it will cost more to maintain these properties than demolish and re-build. On the best information the Council has and under the 30-year business plan the project for this and Blackshots remain financially viable. Interest rates are a factor to consider and the Council has external treasury advisors to provide advice on this. The Assistant Director of Housing Management and Development added that the Housing Development team have delivered on a number of newbuild schemes recently.
· The Head of Housing Development added that the risk rating element is the impact of something happening or not happening however the likelihood of that happening is something different.
· Members raised concerns arising the wording of recommendations.
The Committee commented above on the following:
1.1 The proposed site area for the redevelopment of numbers 158 – 228 (evens) Teviot Avenue.
1.2 Commencement of decanting residents from these properties and the treatment of these residents in line with the Council’s allocations policy
1.3 Payment of home loss and disturbance payments as appropriate
1.4 Commencement of negotiation with leaseholders for the repurchase of properties and completing the purchases with such actions delegated to the Executive Director Adults Housing and Health in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and the Portfolio Holder for Finance, Human Resources and Payroll, and the Portfolio Holder for Children’s Services and Housing.
1.5 Subject to Cabinet approval the use of Compulsory Purchase Powers under s226 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 should this become necessary.
1.6 Service of a demolition notice under Section 138B and Schedule 5A of the Housing Act 1985 that will confirm the Council’s intention to demolish the buildings and suspend the obligation on the Council to complete right to buy applications on the dwellings within the agreed site boundary.
1.7 The negotiation and settlement of any statutory compensation claims made by residents as a result of the service of the Initial Demolition Notice with such actions delegated as at Paragraph 1.4 above.
1.8 The establishment of a budget of £1.0m to meet the costs of purchase of leasehold interests.
1.9 Subject to Government agreement to borrowing, the launch of a procurement process to obtain a main contractor for detailed design and construction and the delegation of authority to the Corporate Director for Adults Housing and Health in consultation with the Leader, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services and Housing, Commissioners and Section 151 Officer, the decision to make the necessary contract awards.
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