Agenda item

Revenue Budget Savings 2024-25 (Decision: 110708) - Report to Follow


Councillor Snell introduced the report and stated that it outlined the second tranche of savings proposals, which had been rigorously questioned through the scrutiny process in November 2023 and January 2024. He explained that the report excludes those savings which had previously been scrutinised and approved by Cabinet, but these were included for reference in Appendix 4. He stated that £1.7m of savings needed to be found, but £869k had already been proposed by Members, such as the removal of the council tax hardship fund. Councillor Snell stated that the removal of this fund had been questioned in detail by overview and scrutiny, and options for the fund would be revisited at a later date. 

RESOLVED: that Cabinet:

1.1 Approved all savings proposals totalling £6.9m as listed in Appendix 1.

1.2 Approved the remainder of the Fees and Charges proposals, as recommended at the Cabinet meeting of 10th January 2024 and detailed at paragraph 3.14.1.

1.3 Noted the Community and Equality Impact assessments and summaries of the public engagement activities.

1.4 Noted the requirement to identify a further £831k recurrent savings by the 22nd March 2024, to be agreed by the Leader and CEO/Commissioner, in consultation with the s151 and Finance Commissioner. To be reported to Scrutiny and Cabinet.

Reason for decision: as outlined in the report.
This decision is subject to call-in.

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