Agenda item

Initial Health Assessments for Looked After Children (Update)


The Chair moved the meeting onto item 10 on the agenda, Initial Health Assessments for Looked After Children (Update).


The Head of Looked After Children and the Assistant Director of SET CAMHS & Children’s Services for South Essex & Thurrock presented the report and highlighted the following points:


·       Performance is not improving, but the Local Authority remains committed to improving and meeting timescales.

·       Timely performance is no longer achievable with current resources and has been escalated to the highest levels with the ICB & Childrens Services.

·       A Task and Finish Group led by the ICB starts on the 30th January 2024.

·       This is an Essex County wide issue not just an issue in the Thurrock area.

·       The current system cannot cope with the current numbers and solutions are not cost neutral.


Members raised the following points and asked the following questions:


·       The Chair shared his frustration with the performance regarding Initial Health Assessments and noted that action was needed now as the current situation is not acceptable.

·       Councillor Carter thanked officers for keeping the Committee up to date. Councillor Carter noted it was a national issue and asked if targets were realistic and achievable.

o   The Local Authority should be ambitious, a lower rate should not be expected.

o   Data that is shared is transparent.

·       Councillor Carter agreed and noted that everyone was committed and working hard.

·       The Chair also noted it was a national issue, but the Local Authority needs to get it right for the children in its care.

o   There is a national shortage of paediatricians and assessments need to be completed by paediatricians.

o   Solutions are being looked for and pressure is being put on NHS England for a more permanent solution.

o   Additional doctors have been identified to support existing workforce.

·       Councillor Polley suggested that a findings report be sent to Overview and Scrutiny. Councillor Polley asked if there is a breakdown of areas where demand is higher.

o   Highest referrals come from the Thurrock area within Mid-South Essex area. Mid-South Essex has a high rate of unaccompanied children.

·       Councillor Polley noted that it needs to be seen that we are doing the best job that we can.

o   Task and Finish Group should bring real change to the service.

·       Councillor Shinnick asked if 3 months was long enough for the Task and Finish Group to look at the issues in detail.

o   Issues are known, 3 mounts sound ambitious but confident it is enough to find solutions.

·       Councillor Polley sort assurance that no child’s health had been impacted due to the delays.

o   No. If any health needs are identified (physical or mental) by the Local Authority appointments are made with GP's, specialists or CAMHS.


The Chair read the recommendation to the Corporate Parenting Committee.



1.1  Members note the impact of reduced additional Paediatric capacity on securing timely IHA’s.


1.2  Members are advised of the delay reasons and that performance is declining since Q1 23/24


1.3  That the matter is returned to the Health and Well Being Board for review prior to the March Corporate Parenting Committee.


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