An update report was provided to members on operational data from Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust.
Members received an update on phlebotomy service, estate and capital works and an update on the maternity improvement plan following the CQC inspection.
The following points were raised:
· The chair stated he was pleased that the waiting times had been reduced from 6 to 8 weeks to 2 to 3 weeks but stated this still seemed a long time for a resident to have to wait. The chair questioned what the plans were to move to this to 1 day or next day appointment.
· The chair questioned why more general practitioners were not carrying out blood testing in local surgeries.
· The chair also questioned how much a general practitioner would be paid to carry out blood tests compared to private contractor.
· The chair questioned why general practitioners were not attracted to undertaking this service.
· Member questioned whether any progress had been made on community and volunteer blood testing service. Member also questioned who had been contacted so far as part of this initiative.
· Member stated with the increase in the borough’s population the increased demand for blood testing should not have come as a surprise. The Trust should have been aware and preparation in regard to the planning of additional staff and facilities should have been ongoing.
· Member asked what qualifications were required for someone to be permitted to take blood.
· The chair stated he was pleased with the improvement in waiting times but there was still some way to go.
· The chair asked for this item to remain on the work programme with an update at the March meeting.
Estates and Capital Works
· The chair questioned why there was a maintenance backlog at Orsett Hospital.
· The chair raised his concerns with Basildon and Orsett Hospitals where people in Thurrock mostly attended and questioned what the time was to get those buildings up to a good standard.
· The chair questioned whether the Trust was applying for more government funding to address issues.
· The chair raised his concern on whether this was a lack of government funding or a bad management issue in terms of the local trust managing their estates.
· Member questioned what the Trust had applied for in the last five years, whether this had been successful or not and if not, why had it been refused.
· Member stated he wanted to see local politicians putting the pressure on and getting the results the residents of Thurrock deserved.
· Member referred to the critical repairs at Orsett Hospital and questioned whether the strategy was for Orsett Hospital to fall down before anything was undertaken.
· The chair asked for reassurance that Orsett Hospital building would not get in such a state that it would have to close.
· The chair agreed to keep this item on the work programme with an update to be provided at the March committee.
· The chair stated the council would work together with the Trust, apply political pressure to ensure the Trust received fundings.
· The chair questioned when the next CQC inspection would take place.
· The chair commented that it was good to hear improvements were being made and moving in the right direction.
· Member also commented on the good progress being made and members had acknowledged that.
· Healthwatch stated that a piece of work was being undertaken with service users that had used the maternity unit to gauge experiences and thoughts, this piece of work also included Dads. A report would be shared with members.
· Member referred to a safeguarding matter and the chair agreed a report could have been brought to committee for discussion but was keen that lessens had been learnt, actions had been undertaken and to ensure that this did not happen again.
· The chair referred to “cancer care” and questioned what actions had been taken to improve those waiting times and for an update on the current situation.
· Member asked for some clarification on the topics to be discussed at next week’s Public Board meeting.
Action 9 - Update on backlog maintenance, phlebotomy services and community care beds to be provided at the next meeting. The update to include:
a. Costing information of phlebotomy services provided by GP practices and external providers;
b. Funding the Trust has applied for in the last five years (with a focus on backlog maintenance), how much funding has been successfully received and the reasons for any funding refusals.
c. Options / locations of community care beds.
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