The Director of BDO LLP (external audit) presented the report to the Committee.
Members asked the following questions to the Director of BDO LLP (external audit):
· Councillor Collins sought clarity for the phrase financial instruments.
o Any investments or debt that the Local Authority holds.
· Councillor Collins noted the objections to the financial statements and asked if the Local Authority should be worried or if it was an administrative error.
o One of the duties is to consider the legality of those transactions. No particular red flags, but it is something that will need to be looked at and concluded on.
· Councillor Worrall asked when will a response be received from the forensic team to formalise whether there is an issue with the objections to the financial statements.
o It is a long progress, and the response will not go into the public domain.
o Additional powers can be issued. If in the public interest a report could be published to highlight any issues to the public. The Local Authority could be issued with statutory recommendations to change processes. A court could declare transactions illegal, but that is very unusual.
· Councillor Worrall asked for a timeframe.
o To be completed alongside the audit in February/March 2024
o Progress is good.
· Councillor Collins noted from the report the mismanagement identified and asked how the Local Authority could stop this from happening again.
o Audit will audit balances and adjustments to make sure that figures and stack up with the audit work and that there's nothing in the accounted period that shouldn't be.
· Councillor Collins asked if the work could be undertaken by internal audit.
o Looking at investment transactions, valuations, and changes in valuations
o Schedule that is allocating transactions year by year.
· Councillor Collins asked how you stop management manipulating records and overriding controls.
o Any transaction that is on the schedule will then be passed to external audit for deliberate review.
o Internal audit will tend to be focused on ongoing transactions within the system.
· Councillor Raper asked if external audit was finding it easy to get all the information they needed from the Local Authority.
o Yes, no reason to think that this wouldn't continue either.
· Councillor Worrall asked what the process is for the finding RAAC.
o The Local Authority will need to propose how they've assured themselves that they don't have RAAC in their buildings.
o Records should identify issues.
· Councillor Collins sort and explanation of heritage assets/valuation of noncurrent assets.
o Culturally significant assets for example paintings. Coalhouse fault was identified.
· Councillor Collins sort clarity on valuation of pension liability risk detail assets.
o Level 1 assets would be something that has an available price, for example, the Stock Exchange
o Level 3 assets don't have an observable input.
· Councillor Collins asked if non collection of receivables is people not paying rent.
o Yes
· Councillor Thandi asked for an update on Toucan and asked if it is running smoothly and if there is an end date.
o Process is progressing within timelines, hoping to have an outcome within this financial year.
o Administrators continue to run the process.
· Co-Optee Member Jasdip Nijjar asked with regards to manual adjustments, what controls did the Council have before they entered
o Going through each element of the investments and agreeing classification and valuation.
· Co-Optee Member Jasdip Nijjar asked what the thought process was behind keeping materiality at 1.75%
o Range of factors, benchmark is 0.5 to 3%.
· Co-Optee Member Jasdip Nijjar asked for an estimate of the fees.
o No estimate at the moment.
· Co-Optee Member Charles Clarke asked in observations so far has external audit observed any serious controls over the corporate control environment.
o Controls aren’t tested, it is a fully substantive audit.
o Haven't identified any issues with your entity level controls.
· Co-Optee Member Charles Clarke asked as it was substantive testing what additional timeline or resource do you need.
o The majority of the substantive work is done and has been factored in and provided for.
At 19:54 Rachel Brittan, Louise Sayers and Johnathan Wilson left the meeting.
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