Agenda item

External Audit Progress Report


The Director of BDO LLP (external audit) presented the report to the Committee.


Members asked the following questions to the Director of BDO LLP (external audit):


·       Councillor Collins sought clarity for the phrase financial instruments.

o   Any investments or debt that the Local Authority holds.

·       Councillor Collins noted the objections to the financial statements and asked if the Local Authority should be worried or if it was an administrative error.

o   One of the duties is to consider the legality of those transactions. No particular red flags, but it is something that will need to be looked at and concluded on.

·       Councillor Worrall asked when will a response be received from the forensic team to formalise whether there is an issue with the objections to the financial statements.

o   It is a long progress, and the response will not go into the public domain.

o   Additional powers can be issued. If in the public interest a report could be published to highlight any issues to the public. The Local Authority could be issued with statutory recommendations to change processes. A court could declare transactions illegal, but that is very unusual.

·       Councillor Worrall asked for a timeframe.

o   To be completed alongside the audit in February/March 2024

o   Progress is good.

·       Councillor Collins noted from the report the mismanagement identified and asked how the Local Authority could stop this from happening again.

o   Audit will audit balances and adjustments to make sure that figures and stack up with the audit work and that there's nothing in the accounted period that shouldn't be.

·       Councillor Collins asked if the work could be undertaken by internal audit.

o   Looking at investment transactions, valuations, and changes in valuations

o   Schedule that is allocating transactions year by year.

·       Councillor Collins asked how you stop management manipulating records and overriding controls.

o   Any transaction that is on the schedule will then be passed to external audit for deliberate review.

o   Internal audit will tend to be focused on ongoing transactions within the system.

·       Councillor Raper asked if external audit was finding it easy to get all the information they needed from the Local Authority.

o   Yes, no reason to think that this wouldn't continue either.

·       Councillor Worrall asked what the process is for the finding RAAC.

o   The Local Authority will need to propose how they've assured themselves that they don't have RAAC in their buildings.

o   Records should identify issues.

·       Councillor Collins sort and explanation of heritage assets/valuation of noncurrent assets.

o   Culturally significant assets for example paintings. Coalhouse fault was identified.

·       Councillor Collins sort clarity on valuation of pension liability risk detail assets.

o   Level 1 assets would be something that has an available price, for example, the Stock Exchange

o   Level 3 assets don't have an observable input.

·       Councillor Collins asked if non collection of receivables is people not paying rent.

o   Yes

·       Councillor Thandi asked for an update on Toucan and asked if it is running smoothly and if there is an end date.

o   Process is progressing within timelines, hoping to have an outcome within this financial year.

o   Administrators continue to run the process.

·       Co-Optee Member Jasdip Nijjar asked with regards to manual adjustments, what controls did the Council have before they entered

o   Going through each element of the investments and agreeing classification and valuation.

·       Co-Optee Member Jasdip Nijjar asked what the thought process was behind keeping materiality at 1.75%

o   Range of factors, benchmark is 0.5 to 3%.

·       Co-Optee Member Jasdip Nijjar asked for an estimate of the fees.

o   No estimate at the moment.

·       Co-Optee Member Charles Clarke asked in observations so far has external audit observed any serious controls over the corporate control environment.

o   Controls aren’t tested, it is a fully substantive audit.

o   Haven't identified any issues with your entity level controls.

·       Co-Optee Member Charles Clarke asked as it was substantive testing what additional timeline or resource do you need.

o   The majority of the substantive work is done and has been factored in and provided for.


At 19:54 Rachel Brittan, Louise Sayers and Johnathan Wilson left the meeting.


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