Agenda item

General Practice Patient Survey 2023


The Executive Director of Adults, Housing and Health presented the report. He confirmed every year NHS England commission a GP Patient Survey. Overall satisfaction with Thurrock GP practices varies considerably, ranging from 30% to 90%. Satisfaction with general practice is multifactorial. It was clear that what is contributing to satisfaction mostly is access, when patients received the services they were largely satisfied with the care they received. The Executive Director of Adults, Housing and Health confirmed that data should be the starting point for further questions to be asked and a much more detailed analysis is required. The Dell Medical Centre scores significantly better than England as a whole. It should be considered if we can spread better practices. 


-       Members queried why Thurrock is finding it hard to get Doctors to come to the area. The Executive Director of Adults, Housing and Health responded that due to being under-doctored the Doctors that are working in Thurrock may be become more stressed or retire early or go elsewhere. Newly qualified Doctors do not want to come to Thurrock. Integrated care will use all Health sources such as social care staff, addiction staff, Housing staff and Community Nurses in a more integrated way. One Doctor has provided feedback that integrated care has revolutionised the way he practised.

-       William Guy, the Director of Primary Care in Mid and South Essex stated that they are trying to attract the right workforce. The national trend is alarming and there has been a reduction in GP’s since the pandemic. Access is where dissatisfaction is the major issue. Everyone has been encouraged to access primary care at 8am in the morning regardless of need. There isn’t enough GP’s in the country if the default is if you go into primary care that you see a GP. Pharmacies and other community assets can provide the solution.

-       Members raised the pressure, stress and abuse that is put on to GP Receptionists and support staff and called for them to be supported as well as GP’s. Receptionists are now required to do more and are called ‘Care Navigators’. The Director of Primary Care in Mid and South Essex stated that they are investing in new training for staff.

-       Members highlighted that Thurrock’s GP’s need to be looked after and asked how they think things can be better. The Director of Primary Care in Mid and South Essex responded that they will complete a visit to every GP Practice.

-       Members queried if there is scope for a Thurrock Health Awards to spotlight what is good and raise expectations.

-       Members queried helping nurses with key worker housing and whether the Planning Committee could assist with this. The Chair suggested that this could be looked at in the Local Plan and stated that housing for Healthcare professionals should be encouraged.

-       The Chair queried how many GP practices take on trainees. This may encourage newly qualified Doctors to stay in Thurrock.

-       Councillor Hooper made an additional recommendation that a report is brought back to the January 2024 meeting as a response to the report. Councillor Hooper’s recommendation was seconded by Councillor Speight.




1.1                   The Committee considered the findings of the GP Patient Survey 2023 summarised in the attached report and evidence pack and the implications for local NHS priorities.


1.2                   The Chair requested a response is provided in response to the report and brought back to the January 2024 meeting.


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