To receive additional items that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972. To agree any relevant briefing notes submitted to the Committee.
The Chair also confirmed in relation to the Integrated Medical Centres (IMC’s), it was decided in 2017 the Orsett hospital will close but not before the IMC’s were in place. To date only one IMC is up and running and that is the one in Corringham. It looks like the Grays IMC will be on the Thurrock Hospital site which is good. The Tilbury IMC business case was rejected due to cost, Tilbury has a high level of need as the life expectancy there is 12 years shorter than any other part of Thurrock. Purfleet has the largest growing population in the Thurrock area.
At the 19 July 2023 Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee meeting members were informed that a Plan B would be developed and presented at this meeting. I have received a request that this was deferred. I reluctantly agreed as I wanted to receive a plan that is going to work.
The Chair proposed that he and Councillor Coxshall will write a joint letter to NHS England requesting the reasons why the business case was rejected for Tilbury and Purfleet and what they will be doing to ensure there is adequate funding to develop the IMC’s for Tilbury and Purfleet. The Chair sought the Committee’s agreement to this. The Committee members agreed.
Councillor Thandi queried what the outcome of Orsett Hospital is.
Alex Mecan confirmed the Tilbury and Purfleet Business cases have not been formally rejected. The regional office has identified a number of queries regarding affordability and they will be working through these as part of preparing plan B. This will be brought back to the Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee in January. The Orsett hospital has not yet formally closed, the site is still being used although certain services are being moved to the Thurrock Hospital site.
Councillor Speight raised concerns about the terminology being used, Committee Members were told Orsett Hospital would not close until every facility is replicated across the borough.
Councillor Polley echoed Councillor Speights comments and stated that she understood Thurrock would get increased services in the Borough not just a replicate of what is at Orsett Hospital. Councillor Polley stated that she agrees with the Chair’s recommendation and highlighted that it needs to be taken to the highest level.
Councillor Piccolo sought assurance that if they do find somewhere to relocate Orsett Hospital’s services that it will be able to cope with the same level of usage.
Alex Mecan responded that she could provide the assurance that is the intention and she would seek the Council’s help to maintain transport links to those sites. Bus Services are vital for the elderly.
The Chair expressed concern that Orsett Hospital is being allowed to run down without sufficient funding to keep it in good condition which is criminal when Thurrock hasn’t got the IMC’s it was promised. Every party is behind getting these 4 IMC’s up and running.