Agenda item

Review of Members' Allowances - Report of the Independent Remuneration Panel (IRP)


This report presented the independent findings and recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, following its review of the Scheme of Members Allowances in July 2023.


Councillor J Kent stated Labour would be voting against the recommendations.




1.       Rejected that all recommendations presented in the Independent Remuneration Panel’s report at Appendix 1 and the subsequent Scheme of Allowances at Appendix 2.


2.       Rejected the Council implemented the recommendations from the municipal year 2024-2025.


3.       Rejected to apply 4% to allowances paid in 2022/23 as outlined in section 3.3 and in accordance with the continued recommendation to index allowances with staff increments.


4.       Rejected the potential for the IRP to review special responsibility allowances for the Overview & Scrutiny Chair and Vice Chair positions six months after the introduction of any new structure to ensure appropriate remuneration.



Supporting documents: