Agenda item

Determination of an application for a new Premises Licence


The Chair of the Sub-Committee advised all present of the process of the hearing. He then invited the Licensing Officer to introduce the report as outlined within the agenda.


Members and all parties were provided the chance to ask questions of the Licensing Officer. Following a question from Members it was confirmed by the Licensing Officer they did not hold information of objections from private properties.


The representative for Essex Police explained he had nothing further to included which wasn’t already within the agenda, there were concerns which had been resolved with the applicant via conditions being included on the licence.


Members then heard from the Interest Party who were then given the opportunity to present their case during which the following was highlighted:


  • When the premise was previously used as a Café it closed at 5pm this, they felt, fitted in with the local community and area.
  • Residents didn’t see how the premise would have a need to be open until 2am. There were a number of takeaways in the area and once the local pubs closed, it was felt this late opening time could increase anti-social behaviour in the area.
  • Having a late closing time was unfair to residents living in the area.


The applicant was then given the opportunity to present his case, during which he confirmed he had spoken with Essex Police and had agreed to the conditions they wished to include on the licence. He continued by confirming he was also happy to amend the opening hours of the premise and would also have new extractor fans fitted so that smells and noises could be kept to a minimum in the hope to not disturb local residents.


The Licensing Officer then provided a short summary to the Sub-Committee during which it was advised that it was for Members to agree or refuse the licence following the factual report and hearing from Essex Police and local residents.


The representative from Essex Police summarised by explaining their concerns had been reflected within the report and were satisfied these were resolved with the agreement of the additional conditions to be included on the licence.


The interest party was then given the chance to summarise their case and in doing so, they explained the location of the premise was just off of the High Street and located with other premises under residents’ properties. Overall they felt the application would be intolerable for the local community.


The applicant was asked to present a summary of his case to Members; during which he advised he had nothing further to say.


The Chair sought everyone had said all they wished too; it was agreed they had. The Sub-Committee then adjourned at 8.08pm for deliberation and were accompanied by the Legal Advisor and the Democratic Services Officer. 


The meeting reconvened at 8.27pm


RESOLVED that the Licensing Sub-Committee refuse the application.

The meeting finished at 8.27 pm


The recording of the meeting can be found from the following link:

Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 19 September 2023, 7:00pm - Thurrock Council committee meeting webcasts (


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