Agenda item

Best Value Inspection Report


The Leader introduced and welcomed the Best Value Inspection report which highlighted the serious and significant failings in terms of leadership of administration of the past, all members had to agree to the recommendations and understand where all 49 members had failed in their duties. The report had laid bare the poor scrutiny, lack of challenge to officers and overall poor governance. Identified other areas in the council where mistakes had been made and the overall culture of Thurrock council and would seek to make improvements to these. He thanked all councillors who had stepped up to contribute to the improvements in the council culture and who were seeking to improve their own skills. Thurrock had remarkable potential and would continue to see it thrive and believed Thurrock had a bright future.


At 7.46pm, Councillor Fish entered the chamber.


Some of the main themes of the debate made by the Labour Group were:


·       Members agreed to the recommendations.

·       Millions of pounds of the council’s money had been gambled, information had been covered up and the report had highlighted the council was not well led by the administration.

·       Welcomed the Best Value Inspection report.

·       Issues had to be listened to.

·       Best Value Inspection report had highlighted red flags, questioned what had been shared and when questions were asked why no answers were forthcoming.

·       Recognised the culture of the council had to change.

·       Concern that backbench members would not have enough oversight and have a say in the way forward for Thurrock.

·       Angry as Chair of Standard and Audit Committee had been lied to on reports presented.

·       The Council’s money had been gambled.

·       Shame on the administration.

·       How to make sure this never happened again.

·       Shame that the report had been published following the elections.

·       Residents should be given the opportunity to decide in their vote.

·       The ex-Leader and Cabinet Member had got away lightly, no officer accountability who were not fit for office or to serve the residents of this borough.


Some of the main themes of the debate made by the Conservative Group were:


·       Members agreed to the recommendations.

·       All members should accept responsibility.

·       Failures have been acknowledged.

·       Culture of the council had been a concern.

·       Constitution will need to be changed so that all members are heard.

·       There was a bright future for Thurrock.

·       There had been a lack of understanding.

·       It was important to understand where the Council was now and how it could move on.

·       Prevent further damaging the council financially.

·       Recognised the culture of the council had to change, blame culture was not good, everyone made mistakes.

·       Confidence from residents that members could now make a change.

·       Reflect from the Best Value Inspection report and move on towards what needed to be put right.

·       Grateful to officers.

·       Need to ask where and what can be done better.

·       Member training being offered was good.

·       All 49 members had to work together to get through this.

·       The Planning Transport and Regeneration Overview and Scrutiny committee will pick up some of the projects, so this does not happen again.


Some of the main themes of the debate made by the Independent Members were:


·       Members agreed to the recommendations.

·       Welcomed the Best Value Inspection report.

·       The Leader and Officers had been helpful, committed and willingly open to speak to members.

·       Not for all 49 members to take responsibility as some had only taken up office in May 2023.

·       Concern over the diversity and equality implications written within the report.

·       Not accept any onus on the failures that had taken place.

·       Members were under a false understanding and were misled.

·       Use the expertise of all opposition members.




1.    That Council noted the publication of the Best Value Inspection report on 15 June 2023.


2.    Agreed to incorporate the recommendations of the report within the Council’s Improvement and Recovery Plan.


Supporting documents: