The Director of Street Scene and Leisure introduced the report and explained that the report considers the operation of the brown bin (garden waste collection) service delivery. Paragraph 2.8 and 2.9 of the report confirms that the current staffing levels do not allow for a consistent service. Garden waste is now approaching its peak season and there aren’t enough staff to complete the work. The report outlines a range of options which have been fully costed in table 1. It was further confirmed that there is a slight typo on the table regarding option 5. Where it states a fortnightly refuse collection service it should say a fortnightly garden waste collection service. Option 5 is recommended as the interim solution and a full strategic review of waste services will be completed. The report is being considered at Cabinet tomorrow.
During the discussion the following was acknowledged / highlighted confirmed:
- The Chair commented that residents have been failed, communication has been poor and as a resident she felt frustrated and irritated that issues have not been resolved.
- The Chair highlighted that in relation to the recommendations she was particularly concerned with the wording ‘interim solutions’ at recommendation 1.1. The Chair requested assurance that the brown bin will continue to be collected whilst the review is being completed.
- The Strategic Lead for Waste confirmed that if approved at the Cabinet meeting tomorrow the first garden waste collection would take place on the 26th of June 2023.
- The Strategic Lead for Waste confirmed that in relation to food waste it will become a statutory duty from 2024 that a separate food bin will have to be provided. A trial has commenced in the borough and feedback from this will be considered and this can also be provided to the Committee.
- The Strategic Lead for Waste further confirmed that it is part of the Environment Act that producer responsibility will be introduced so that those responsible for producing waste will be responsible for the cost of dealing with the waste.
- Councillor Pearce raised that in the past there only was one bin but residents disposed of food and garden waste by having compost heaps and queried if a communications campaign to residents encouraging composting had been considered. The Chair raised that a leaflet is already being used to communicate service changes later this month and therefore the same leaflet could be used to communicate this.
The Chair also proposed that the wording of recommendation 1.3 be altered to include that the strategic review should be brought to Overview and Scrutiny Committee not less than one month before Cabinet. The amendment was proposed to give Overview and Scrutiny sufficient time to consider it in detail. The members of the Committee unanimously agreed with the proposed amended wording.
The Overview and Scrutiny Committee are asked to recommend to Cabinet that:
1.1 Option 5 be approved for the collection of garden waste and the associated change to the frequency collection of recycling until a fully costed Waste Implementation Plan has been completed
1.2 A full strategic review of the waste service be undertaken to provide for a sustainable service in the context of reducing budgets, increasing costs, demographic and other pressures, changes in legislation.
1.3 The scope of the strategic review will be developed for members consideration, but will include the type, levels and forms of delivery of service. This should be brought to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee not less than one month before Cabinet.
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