The Strategic Lead Regeneration
introduced the report and stated that it was being presented to the
Committee ahead of submission to Cabinet next week, and it outlined
the Tilbury Town Fund programme. He stated that the programme
provided approximately £22.8million to Tilbury as part of
central government’s levelling up programme, and officers
were currently in the process of preparing a Business Case Summary
to be submitted to the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and
Communities before 5 August deadline. He explained that Table 1 of
the report outlined the revised programme list, which had been
amended following a cost plan review and stakeholder
The Chair thanked officers for the report and felt that it was
positive as it would provide approximately £22.8million in
funding to Tilbury. He asked if the team had considered cost
inflation for areas such as materials within the budget, as parts
of the project was not due to be completed until March 2026, during
which inflation may have risen further. The Strategic Lead
Regeneration stated that during the programme review stage, the
budget would be looked at more rigorously. He explained that there
had been inconsistencies in the previous budget due to inflation,
which were now being addressed as outlined in section 3.4 of the
report. The Chair queried the cost increase for the Tilbury jetty.
The Strategic Lead Regeneration explained that this cost increase
was due to sense checking the preliminary design. He stated that
the first design had been for a double-decker jetty structure,
which was not required and had been over-engineered. He stated that
the cost increase reflected predicted cost increases for quarter 3
in 2023 and other contingencies. He added that other areas of the
fund had reduced their budget envelopes, for example the community
hub and adult skills centre which had reduced costs by proposing
the reuse of existing buildings rather than building a new
Councillor Allen felt that the proposed jetty would be more
beneficial to the cruise terminal and ports rather than residents,
although he felt it could be a good way to travel into London. He
asked who had examined the preferred site of the youth centre at
Anchor Fields and why they had determined that site to be the best
location. He felt that other areas such as Brennan Road and London
Road would be better sites for the youth centre, as Anchor Fields
was currently designated as a Field in Trust and used as open,
green space by residents. He asked if other sites could be explored
and investigated for the youth centre. The Strategic Lead
Regeneration explained that the Committee and Cabinet had
previously considered the Town Investment Plan, which had included
the proposal for the Thurrock Youth Zone. He explained that the
location was subject to review, but the preferred site was Anchor
Fields due to constraints with other sites. He explained that the
old youth centre building was too small; the police station was
also too small and not council owned; the children’s centre
was still being used as a children’s centre with no plans to
move; Dock Road was situated on industrial land, on the edge of the
heart are, and had significant remediation costs; and Daisy Fields
was used for a more active recreational area with sports pitches.
He stated that the team had considered all sites against the agreed
upon criteria, for example the site had to be within the heart of
the community and council owned, and the proposed site would
undergo due diligence tests before coming back to the Committee and
Cabinet. The Strategic Lead Regeneration added that the site would
have to undergo consultation and go through the planning process,
which would include reasons why other sites were not as viable. He
summarised and stated that the team would engage with residents
through a public consultation with Onside to balance the benefits
of the site against resident concerns. The Chair asked how much
land would be left at Anchor Fields if the proposed youth centre
was built there. The Strategic Lead Regeneration stated that
minimal land take would be a requirement of the build and the team
would ensure the building had a small footprint through
consultation and engagement.
Councillor Watson questioned how the proposals would benefit the
people of Tilbury. She felt that residents would benefit more from
the regeneration of areas such as Dock Road, rather than a new
jetty or heritage regeneration. She asked if Uber would be willing
to contribute to the cost of the jetty, as she felt they would be
the primary beneficiaries. She questioned why the cost of the Fort
works had increased, but the cost of the adult skills hub had
decreased, and who made the decisions regarding the proposals. The
Strategic Lead Regeneration explained that the proposals were
agreed upon by the Tilbury Town Fund Board (TTFB), which was
constituted in line with central government guidance and included
residents, commercial stakeholders, and political members. He
stated that the TTFB had felt that the proposed programme balanced
resources to ensure the money was spent in the right places. He
added that the team had talked to the relevant services about how
buildings could be adapted and made fit for purpose, and would meet
the need of residents, for example the proposed youth centre and
adult skills hub. He commented that youth centres had a proven
impact on the outcomes for young people, and programmes such as the
jetty would improve commuters’ journeys and encourage
visitors to Tilbury to visit Tilbury Fort and the proposed Heritage
Centre. He summarised and stated that points raised by the
Committee would be reported back to Cabinet.
Councillor Raper asked how the fund would improve the area of
Tilbury. The Strategic Lead Regeneration described how the TTFB had
looked at the collection of buildings in Tilbury, such as the
parade and church, and felt that improvements through the public
realm team could uplift the area. He gave the example of the 1920s
buildings in the town which were historical and prominent and
stated that the team would be working to ensure its significance
was retained and enhanced. Councillor Carter felt pleased to see
that heritage had been added to the proposal list, as there was
lots of history within Thurrock that could be improved and
celebrated. Councillor Snell felt that it was good to see youth
facilities and heritage on the proposal list. He added that the
jetty would improve sustainable travel options in the borough and
could increase footfall and business opportunities within Tilbury.
The Strategic Lead Regeneration added that Tilbury town had already
undergone some improvement works, such as new cycle facilities and
planting, and some proposals would not be brought forward in this
funding round, but would be considered in the longer term.
Councillor Allen agreed that a youth centre would improve the
outcomes for the children of Tilbury, but felt opposed to the
proposed site. Councillor Raper asked if other alternatives had
been considered for the youth centre site. The Strategic Lead
Regeneration stated that he would share the analysis of the
alternative sites with the Committee, but explained that if the
proposal did go ahead the land could contain a covenant to ensure
the land was safeguarded.
1. That the Committee noted and commented on the report, including
the Cabinet recommendations as set out below:
“That Cabinet:
Approve the Tilbury Town Fund Programme and Budget allocations as
set out in Table 1 of this report.
Delegates authority to the Corporate Director of Resources and
Place Delivery, in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet
Member for Regeneration, Strategic Planning and External
Relationship and the Assistant Director of Legal Services, to
approve the Business Care Summaries, and agree lease, development
and contractual terms (including approval to go to tender and
award) to support the delivery of the programme.
Confirms agreement to underwrite the proposed financial settlement
to enable the delivery of the Thurrock Youth Zone, as set out in
Section 8.1 of this report, and that officers actively seek
alternative revenue streams to support the long-term delivery of
the Youth Zone.”
Supporting documents: