The Interim Assistant Director
Regeneration and Place Delivery introduced the report and stated
that the project was being brought forward in two phases: Phase 1
being the new station, which was in detailed design phase and
construction stage; and the Phase 2 being the Transport Hub, which
was in concept design stage. He stated that a contractor for Phase
1 had been appointed in March 2022 and the team were currently
negotiating the final sign-off of the contract, which would
hopefully be completed next week. He added that there was currently
a one- or two-month delay to works starting on the site due to the
contract execution issues, but was hopeful that the contractors
could offset this delay as the detailed design phase continued. The
Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery added
that the South East Local Enterprise Partnership (SELEP), who are
one of the funders, had asked for an updated business case
demonstrating value for money, which had been issued in draft with
the aim that it be endorsed by SELEP in September. He stated that
Part 2 of the business case concerning Phase 2 would describe how
the concept design would be reviewed in partnership with
stakeholders to ensure local businesses, such as the port, had
their transport needs met and property development opportunities
explored. He stated that construction of Phase 2 of the project
could not begin until Phase 1 was completed, so felt that now was
the optimal time to undertake a re-evaluation.
The Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery
explained that the contractors price met the Phase 1 budget
envelope, and the team were working on a fixed cost contract,
although this was currently being discussed with contractors due to
the delayed execution and ongoing inflation issues. He highlighted
Table 3.10 of the report which outlined the key milestones in the
scheme, and explained that once the contract had been signed,
activity such as enabling works could begin onsite. He added that
3.11 of the report outlined the key risks, mitigation, and
opportunities for the scheme, and highlighted that Network Rail
were involved in the scheme in an Asset Protection capacity and
were an integral part of the design team, which meant that ideas
such as reduced piling for platforms through value engineering
could be progressed.
The Chair thanked officers for the report and asked if the late
contract signing would influence the construction start date. The
Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery stated
that the effect of the late contract signing would be understood
when the contract had been signed and the contractors programme was
submitted. Councillor Allen felt that the project had taken a long
time, but felt pleased that it seemed to be moving forward. He
asked if the project could still be delivered within the original
budget envelope, as the detailed design had been changed. The
Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery felt
confident that Phase 1 of the project could be delivered within the
current budget envelope as there was risk tolerance allowed for. He
stated that the team would be looking at additional funding for
Phase 2 of the project to reflect opportunity to deliver greater
Councillor Watson asked how much the contract would be signed for.
She queried if the updated business case would increase the budget
envelope and asked for the level of risk tolerance. The Interim
Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery stated that as
contract negotiations were ongoing, he should not release the
contract value information into the public realm. He added that as
the cost for the project had increased, SELEP had asked additional
questions regarding value for money, which the team were providing.
He commented that the current budget was approximately
£29million, and an adequate risk tolerance was included in
this for Phase 1 construction. Councillor Watson asked if a report
on the Stanford-le-Hope Interchange project be brought to every
Committee meeting. Councillor Raper highlighted section 3.4 of the
report and asked how feedback on the project had been collected.
The Interim Assistant Director Regeneration and Place Delivery
replied that a steering group had been set up for the project which
included resident representatives and stakeholders such as, SELEP,
the Port of London and Network Rail, who regularly provided project
1. That the Committee noted and commented on the information
provided relating to the Stanford-le-Hope Interchange
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