The report was presented by the Principal Planner.
Councillor Byrne enquired as to whether the LED lights were environmentally friendly and efficient to run. The Principal Planner advised that he was unable to confirm the exact bulb specification, but one would assume that the most efficient units would be used by the school. Councillor Fletcher followed up seeking as to whether the light projected would affect local resident’s gardens, he further asked that given the location of the school and the bend in the road as to whether the light would affect drivers. The Principal Planner commented that the light spilling into neighbouring gardens was limited and was also clear of the bend in the road so would not impact on drivers.
Councillor Polley stated she had been informed the sports pitch would be used regularly and to full capacity, should these lights be installed there would be an increase of noise generated from sites which could impact on neighbours not to mention the additional traffic which would be generated from people using facilities. The Principal Planner explained that the hours of use were not to be changed and therefore would remain the same throughout the year.
Councillor Haldon stated he understood there were few facilities such as the football courts at St Clere’s and Harris Chafford Hundred which also had this type of lights and if these were standard lights which were used. The Principal Planner confirmed that the other schools had similar flood lights as that proposed here. The Highways Engineer advised should traffic issues arise then officers could look at completing a car park management assessment.
Speaker statements were heard from:
Mr Khan, Resident in objection
During discussions the Chair sought as to whether there was anything Members could do with regards to the possible noise increase should the application be agreed. The Principal Planning Officer explained that a noise assessment had not been considered to be necessary and no request had been made by either the Environmental or Health Team. Councillor Churchman asked if there was anything Members could do with regards to the working time and keeping on top of any construction work which was still to be completed. The Committee were advised as yet present were no conditions on the application for this however it was something officers could look at.
Councillor Piccolo stated he had listened to the reasons listed by residents with regards to the hours on the application, he continued by stating as the hours the site could be used were still the same he could not at this stage give a reason to object against the application, he felt the noise would perhaps be more noticeable during the winter months however it would not be any louder than in the summer months when the daylight would be longer.
Councillor Fletcher mentioned he was interested in a noise survey being carried out before he was able to agree to the application, as the longer the site was to be able to be used this would increase the amount of time residents would have to deal with noise levels.
Councillor Halden agreed with Councillor Piccolo in that he too was struggling to find a reason to reject the application. He commented that the sports pitches were being used during the summer and so the same hours for usage would be through the winter months.
Councillor Polley commented she felt it was difficult position to be in as the lights provided the opportunity for additional use by the community. She further stated that if Members had more evidence of usage and the noise level endured by residents it may be easier to make a decision.
Councillor Watson stated she had too listened to all Members comments and thought it was important that Members bear in mind it would not only be children using the facilities but a whole community and this would not only increase noise levels but traffic in the area.
The Chair proposed the officer’s recommendation and was seconded by the Vice-Chair.
For: (5) Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Steve Liddiard (Vice-Chair), James Halden, Terry Piccolo and Georgette Polley
Against: (4) Councillors Gary Byrne, Colin Churchman, Mike Fletcher and Lee Watson
Abstained (0)
Supporting documents: