Councillor Coxshall introduced
the report and stated that the Council were currently waiting on
the green light from the government to move forward with the
business case, which should be received shortly. He explained that
post-Brexit the government had offered £25m in investment to
the 100 most in need towns, which included Tilbury and Grays. He
explained that the money would be used in Grays to fund: a new
jetty, which would capitalise on tourists travelling to the area
for the London Resort; a new river activity centre; a new
promenade; and development of Grays beach park to include a new
restaurant and outdoor entertainment area. He described how the new
river activity centre would become a new home for the Thurrock Sea
Cadets and would include areas for canoeing and kayaking. He
explained that the money would be used in Tilbury to fund: an
£8m new youth centre; a new community centre; a new jetty;
and new play equipment and sports pitches in parks. He added that
these projects had to be delivered by 2025 otherwise the money
would need to be returned to the government.
Councillor Mayes felt it was good to see regeneration in Tilbury,
including the new youth centre. He stated that he had spoken to
local residents who were excited for the centre and felt it would
transform young people’s lives in Tilbury. Councillor
Coxshall echoed these comments and thanked the regeneration team
for their hard work on the Towns Fund. The Leader felt that these
projects would benefit both towns, particularly with the
development of beaches, and would make them destinations. He also
felt it was good to see a new river activity centre, which would
help young people and adults in Thurrock.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
1. Noted the opportunity, risks,
obligations and implications outlined the report and its
appendices. Delegated authority to the Corporate Director of
Resources and Place Delivery, in consultation with the Portfolio
Holder for Regeneration, Strategic Planning and External
Relationships, and the Assistant Director of Legal Services, to
agree the final terms of the Town Deal and to subsequently enter
into any agreements required to secure the grant funding, including
committing the Council to becoming the Accountable Body.
2. Confirmed support for the projects proposed in the TIPs and
approved in principle the commitment of the Council assets and
resources set out in Appendix 4, subject to viable business cases
being developed and formal consideration once this has been
3. Approved the proposed governance structure for the future stages
of the Town Deal.
4. Delegated authority to the Corporate Director of Resources and
Place Delivery, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for
Regeneration, Strategic Planning and External Relationships, and
the Assistant Director of Legal Services, to commence procurement
exercises and award tenders to secure external support to develop
and deliver the projects.
Reason for decision: as outlined in the
This decision is subject to
Supporting documents: