Councillor Jefferies introduced
the report and stated that it proposed a change to the home to
school transport and travel policy, which was usually the
responsibility of parents, but was also a statutory duty of the
Council for children that were eligible. He stated that this
proposal needed Cabinet approval as it affected people across the
borough, and stakeholders and overview and scrutiny had been
consulted on it. He stated that one of the proposals was to
implement a charging regime for transport to post-16 facilities for
pupils with SEND aged 16-25, but this could improve physical
health, open up opportunities for jobs, and ensure that they could
access school clubs and activities. Councillor Jefferies explained
that the new policy would not mean that free transport for all
children would stop, and confirmed that each child would be
assessed under the new policy, and would continue to receive
support if they were suitable. He added that many children with
SEND needs received PIP support, as well as a family mobility car
which would help with their transport needs, but the new policy
would also include an independent travel course to increase
independence. Councillor Jefferies stated that due to the comments
from overview and scrutiny, he was proposing the removal of
recommendation 1.1.
Councillor Halden welcomed the report, and highlighted that
discretion would still be applied to all applications, but felt it
was healthy to encourage young adults to be independent, which
included through transport. He commented that the new policy would
be on a means-tested basis, but parents could still currently apply
based on the existing policy. He concluded and hoped that he would
see a reasonable response from the opposition. Councillor Coxshall
added that it was good to see overview and scrutiny comments being
taken into account, and changes being made based on their input. He
stated that Cabinet listened to overview and scrutiny, and felt it
was good to see the collaborative work between the two functions.
The Leader stated that the role of overview and scrutiny should be
that of a critical friend, and the majority of policies brought
before Cabinet had been through the scrutiny process for their
comment. He felt that the removal of recommendation was a good
example, as he would have raised the recommendation as an issue if
it had not been mentioned previously at scrutiny.
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
Considered the proposed policy refresh to the 2016 policy and
agreed to adopt the proposed refresh of the policy, with specific
reference to the two areas listed below:
1. The implementation of a charging regime in respect of transport
to post-16 facilities for pupils aged 16-25 with SEND. Pupils will
be required to pay the full cost of make a contribution towards the
cost of transport. This service is discretionary and the Council
may charge for the delivery of such transport.
2. That transport be delivered, in accordance with legislation,
only when there is no suitable school with a place available within
the maximum walking distance from the child’s home (two miles
for pupils under the age of 8 and 3 miles for pupils over the age
of 8).
Reason for decision: as outlined in the
This decision is subject to call-in
Supporting documents: