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Standards Committee

This page lists the meetings for Standards Committee.


Information about Standards Committee

1.          Promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by Members and Co-Opted Members of the authority 

2.          Receiving periodic reports from the Monitoring Officer on dispensations granted / refused, complaints received against Members, complaints resolved informally, complaints resolved after an investigation and a Members Advisory Panel Hearing and assessing the operation and effectiveness of the Members' Code of Conduct 

3.          Advising on all Member training, including arranging to train Members and Co-Opted Members on matters relating to the Members' Code of Conduct 

4.          Assisting Councillors and co-opted Members to observe the Members' Code of Conduct 

5.          To receive referrals from the Monitoring Officer into allegations of misconduct in accordance with the authority's assessment criteria 

6.          Advising the Council upon the contents of and requirements for codes/protocols/other procedures relating to standards of conduct throughout the Council 

7.          Maintaining oversight of the Council's arrangements for dealing with complaints 

8.          Informing Council and the Chief Executive of relevant issues arising from the determination of Code of Conduct complaints 

9.          Appointment of Members' Advisory Panel (a Working Group of the Committee) to hear and make recommendations to the Monitoring Officer concerning complaints about Members and Co-Opted Members referred to it by the Monitoring Officer 

10.      On referral by the Monitoring Officer to grant dispensations after consultation with the Independent Person pursuant to S33(2) (b), (c) and (e) of the Localism Act 2011 

11.      Hear and determine appeals against refusal to grant dispensations by the Monitoring Officer pursuant to S33(2)(a) and (d) of the Localism Act 2011