Venue: Training Room, The Beehive Community Resource Centre, West Street, Grays, RM17 6XP
Contact: Lucy Tricker, Senior Democratic Services Officer
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Minutes PDF 324 KB
To approve as a correct record
the minutes of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny
Committeemeeting held on 18 January
The minutes of the meeting held
on 18 January 2022 were approved as a true and correct
Councillor John Kent arrived – 7.02pm
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Items of Urgent Business
To receive additional items
that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter
of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local
Government Act 1972. To agree any relevant briefing notes submitted
to the Committee.
There were no items of urgent
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Declaration of Interests
There were no items of urgent
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Quarter 3 (April-December 2021) Corporate Performance Report 2021/22 PDF 517 KB
The Strategy Manager introduced
the report and stated that it outlined the relevant Key Performance
Indicators (KPIs) for quarter three of 2021/22. She explained that
any missed targets were accompanied by a ‘route to
green’ narrative, and although it was difficult to predict
the future regarding COVID-19, officers hoped that those KPIs which
had been impacted would begin to improve with the lifting of
Councillor Okunade questioned the KPI regarding litter on page 19
of the agenda and asked how the KPI was measured. The Strategy
Manager explained that the KPI regarding litter was measured using
a random, independent survey which looked at different areas of
Thurrock on a regular basis, including residential areas, town
centres and industrial land. She stated that this survey determined
whether or not litter levels were at an acceptable level across the
borough. She stated that the figures for this KPI tended to be
higher during the summer months, but the KPI had been met. The
Chair felt it would be interesting to see a breakdown of the litter
levels by ward, and the Strategy Manager replied that this could be
provided to the Committee outside of the meeting, as well as
information as to how the Council was encouraging people not to
drop litter.
Councillor Collins highlighted page 20 of the agenda and the KPI
relating to social care direct payments. He questioned why this KPI
was under-performing. The Strategy Manager replied that this KPI
had been significantly affected by COVID, as many private care
service providers had to change the way they worked or not been
able to work due to the pandemic/illness. The Chair added that some
resident’s healthcare situations had also deteriorated during
the pandemic, so their care needs had expanded.
Councillor Kent drew the Committee’s attention to page 21 of
the report and the KPI relating to new apprenticeships. He
questioned what the route to green was for this KPI, and how the
Council had been engaging with the Kickstart Scheme. He also
queried the KPI regarding the rate of young people re-offending on
page 23 of the report and asked how the backlog of court cases was
affecting this KPI. He added that the KPI relating payment of Fixed
Penalty Notices (FPNs) on page 22 of the agenda showed that only
one in four people had paid their FPNs in December. He asked who
was responsible for collecting this payment, and how the Council
was ensuring residents continued to pay their fines. The Strategy
Manager stated that the Council, along with other local authorities
across the country, had struggled to meet the KPI regarding
apprenticeships due to the impacts of COVID-19. The Director of
Strategy, Engagement and Growth added that some services were
working with Inspire and the Kickstart Scheme, for example the
Cleaner and Greener team were offering work experience placements.
The Strategy Manager stated that the number of young people
reoffending was a small cohort, which produced larger percentages
that appeared biased. She stated that the ...
view the full minutes text for item 35.
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Report on Asset Related Savings PDF 240 KB
Mr Woodbridge read out his
statement as follows:
“Thank you Chair and others for allowing us to make a
short statement this evening. We are Thurrock Lifestyle Solutions
CIC and Thurrock International Celebration of Culture Ltd.
Firstly, we wanted to thank Officers and Members for the
opportunity to try and save the Thameside and keep a place for arts
and culture at the heart of Thurrock. All Members have expressed
their desire to support this and as Cllr Coxshall stated “if
the Thameside complex was transferred to the community, it will not
only save the Council money but would improve the arts and cultural
offer of the borough. He also stated, “the right financial
support would have to be put in place to ensure the success of this
project in the long term”.
The Thameside Complex has not yet been saved. As you can imagine it
has been quite some journey these past 20 weeks and we are aware
that our governance is currently what we would describe as
credible, but our plan is to make it incredible. We will need your
help with this. Our original outline business plan was well
received and we believe the figures you state are ‘about
right’ in that this building costs the Council £647,000
per year and our plan will enable us to do this cheaper.
We subsequently have met with other Directors at the Council, as
well as Officers, museum staff, library staff, and artists. Indeed,
there are 150 children working on their own business plan for the
building as we speak. We have invested community money and the
final business plan is being worked on tirelessly. As part of this
we need you to understand that this is a partnership between
community, Officers and Members. We want you to have a role in our
governance going forwards, but your democratic mandate is at the
fore when supporting us in this endeavour. Our consultation has
included as diverse a community as possible, everyone is entitled
to a voice and trust me, we have been listening. Our business plan
is based on three pillars of governance, transformation and finance
– Sounding Boards will ensure the continual engagement with
all the cultures within our community.
We know that being born with two ears and one mouth is the correct
ratio – we’re still listening – talk to us. The
saving of this building for the community of Thurrock is crucial.
We have been overwhelmed by Thurrock’s outpouring of love and
understanding of the role arts and culture will play as the borough
expands and support its citizens. The governance, conversations and
actions will continue onwards.
We are very excited to have our business plan ready for you at the
end of March, but we wanted to be clear that this will not only be
transformational, but also it needs to be sustainable. We think
that there are clever ways of using your money to lever in even
more money. But the very starting point ...
view the full minutes text for item 36.
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Thames Freeport: Business Rates Policy and Governance Structure PDF 569 KB
Additional documents:
The Assistant Director of
Economic Growth and Partnerships introduced the report and stated
that it formed part of a wider government policy for increased
investments in trade; innovation and regeneration; and levelling up
to improve people’s employment prospects and contribute to
initiatives aimed at improving health and wellbeing. He stated that
the Outline Business Case for the scheme had been submitted to
government and was approved in October 2021, with the sites
designated alongside other financial aspects in December 2021. He
stated that the Full Business Case (FBC) had been submitted in
January 2022, and was currently being quality assured by numerous
government departments at Whitehall. He added that the partners
were hoping to receive formal approval of the FBC by the end of
March or early April. He thanked partners at the London Boroughs of
Barking and Dagenham and Havering for their joint work on the
The Assistant Director of Economic Growth and Partnerships stated
that the Freeport could provide approximately 21,000 new jobs and
would see additional private investment of over £4bn, the
majority of which would come into Thurrock. He commented that the
Freeport would provide opportunities for businesses both during
construction and operation, and Thurrock were hoping to link small
and medium enterprises (SMEs) to the Freeport through the supply
chain. He added that the Freeport would also present opportunities
to upskill the local workforce as Officers were currently looking
at how they could target opportunities available and upskill people
to be able to apply for these jobs. He stated that targeted
pathfinder programme would be available that would help people to
access jobs and remove their barriers to employment.
The Assistant Director of Finance added that the business rates
scheme for the Freeport had been active since December 2021, but
the proposed policy provided clarity for businesses regarding
business rate relief. He stated that the process for business rate
relief sat within the Council, but business rates would be
compensated for by central government. He stated that Thurrock were
the lead local authority and accountable body for the Freeport, and
that any further funding would go through Thurrock as the
accountable body for the other three local authorities.
Councillor Kent queried the different between the new proposed
Freeport and the freeports that had existed until 2012 and had been
removed in 2014. He also asked if the Thames Freeport would work on
the same basis as the other 5000 Freeports worldwide. He questioned
what the basis for the business rate retention was and if this was
up for negotiation. The Assistant Director of Economic Growth and
Partnerships replied that the difference between the Freeports in
2012 and 2022 related to the different policies, additional levers
and processes in place. He stated that the new Freeports connected
multiple different departments across central government and
involved new regeneration policies. He explained that customs
arrangements for Freeports remained the same as in 2012 but there
were ongoing discussions with HMRC regarding this issue. The
Assistant Director of ...
view the full minutes text for item 37.
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Work Programme PDF 271 KB
The Committee agreed that an
update report regarding the governance surrounding Freeports based
on central government guidance would be added to the Work