Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 18th April, 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Civic Offices 3, New Road, Grays, Essex, RM17 6SL.

Contact: Luke Tucker, Senior Democratic Services Officer  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for Absence

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Apologies were received for Councillors Maney, Piccolo, Shinnick and Watson. No further apologies were received.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 14th March 2024.


Additional documents:


The Minutes of the Planning Committee, held on 24 March 2024, were approved as a correct record.


Item of Urgent Business

To receive additional items that the Chair is of the opinion should be considered as a matter of urgency, in accordance with Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972.

Additional documents:


There were no items of urgent business.


Declaration of Interests

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There were no declarations of interests.



Declarations of receipt of correspondence and/or any meetings/discussions held relevant to determination of any planning application or enforcement action to be resolved at this meeting

Additional documents:


There were no declarations of receipt of correspondence or discussions relevant to any planning applications.



Planning Appeals pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Additional documents:


Officers advised that two planning appeals in terms of decisions were received.


Application No: 22/00452/FUL retention for mobile homes at Medina Farm appeal was dismissed. On the basis that the inspector found the development did not accord with any of the exceptions in the Core Strategy or NPPF for new development in the Green Belt and was accordingly inappropriate development.


Application No: 21/01635/FUL. Location: Land South of Marsh Farm, Marsh Lane, Fobbing, Essex.  Installation of renewable-led energy generation station. The Appeal was upheld, and planning permission granted after a Planning Inquiry.


There were no further questions in response to the appeals. Councillors reflected on the good work completed advising the public were more inclined to appeal however the team will have stronger arguments to support decisions going forward.



23/00642/CV: Land adjacent Fen Farm, Judds Farm and part of Bulphan Fen, Harrow Lane, Bulphan, Essex pdf icon PDF 235 KB

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Officers presented application 23/00642/CV: Land adjacent Fen Farm, Judds Farm, and part of Bulphan Fen, Harrow Lane, Bulphan, Essex.  This application was submitted pursuant to s73 of the 1990 Act and seeks to vary conditions 6 (Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP)) and 9 (HGV movements).


The new CTMP seeks delivery times between 08:00 and 18:00 hours but seeking to avoid school drop off and pick at times. The applicant proposed an increase in HGV movements and stated its required for the completion of the construction programme. Currently the total agreed HGV numbers consist of 2,040 two-way movements. The proposal seeks an increase to 5,200 two-way HGV movements. The daily HGV movements presently would not exceed 22 two-way movements per day (11 in and 11 out movements). The proposal is for this to be increased to 50 two-way movements per day (25 in and 25 out movements).


Officers advised the recommendation is to refuse the proposal, as the roads would have an unacceptably high level of HGV through the village of Bulphan. This would be to the severe detriment of highway safety and the amenities of residents and visitors to the village. The proposed increased hours of accessing the site are considered unnecessarily complicated and unworkable.


·       Speaker statements were heard from Ward member Councillor Johnson rejecting the proposal.

·       Speaker statements were heard in support of the proposal from the agent Avneesh Bains.


Steve Taylor questioned why the original application approved the routes as it appears to be very disruptive for residents and not fit for purpose. The planning officers were advised that neither route was ideal however they felt it was better for HGV access to be nearer a classified road.


The Highways Officer added that alternative routes were discussed with the original applicant including considerations around travelling via a one-way system. At that stage the number of movements were low it went to committee, and it was debated. The current applicant has requested a significant increase in HGV’s. Despite the lack of evidence on current movements. Efforts have been made prior to the committee meeting to seek evidence of the current movements of HGV’s and track the progress, it has taken months to receive any official documents relating to this. Instead, they received a handwritten log which contains all vehicle movements.


The Chair questioned how far along they were into the project. They were advised that most of the work has been completed, however there is still work outstanding including work on battery storage and landscaping. They have provided a timeframe of mid-May to August 2024 for completion. Councillors questioned whether this was based on the current HGV’s movements or with the increase that has been proposed. Officers advised that this was not clear from the application, and this was not confirmed by the applicant.


Steve Taylor commented that he was concerned about due diligence (or lack of) prior to the application. As a result, this may be at the expense to the council and its very disruptive to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 80.


24/00249/TBC: Land and Buildings Keir Hardie House Milford Road, Morrison House Jesmond Road and Bevan House, Laird Avenue, Grays. Essex pdf icon PDF 139 KB

Additional documents:


Officers presented the proposal to change the use of land for stationing of temporary office building for a period of two years. It would be occupied by Council staff and security for the duration of the ‘decant programme’ as part of the wider Blackshots redevelopment proposals. The temporary office building would act as a meeting space for residents and staff to discuss the wider development works and any rehousing.


Members questioned what facilities would be made available to council staff. They were advised that a small number of staff would use the premises and would have access to kitchen and toilet facilities within the adjoining tower block.


Members questioned what security measures were in place for staff. They were reassured there is suitable lighting within the vicinity, but Councillor Polley was concerned over security and lighting. It was agreed that an external lighting condition be included as part of the recommendations to be agreed.


Recommendation was for approval subject to conditions including an additional security lighting condition. There were no objections to the proposal. Members voted unanimously to agree the recommendation (6 votes).


APPROVED: 24/00249/TBC: Land and Buildings Keir Hardie House Milford Road, Morrison House Jesmond Road and Bevan House, Laird Avenue, Grays, Essex.



The Chair thanked members for their time and commitment. Advising it was the last planning meeting of the municipal year and wished councillors good luck in the upcoming elections.



The meeting finished at 18.42.



Approved as a true and correct record.












Any queries regarding these Minutes, please contact

Democratic Services at