Issue - meetings

Medium Term Financial Plan - Quarter 3 Update

Meeting: 05/04/2017 - Cabinet (Item 124)

124 Revenue Budget Monitoring - January 2017 (Decision 01104415) pdf icon PDF 96 KB

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Councillor Hebb presented the report explaining it provided an update on the forecast 2016/17 outturn position as at the end of January 2017.  He continued by highlighting previous reports had shown that the Council had met considerable financial pressures.


The Portfolio Holder for Finance and Legal Services mentioned that whilst no additional budget savings to front line services had been proposed, the 2016/17 budget did include previously agreed savings.


It was discussed that the overspend position for the year end included funds to deliver the ‘Clean it, Cut it, Fill it’ initiative for 2016/17, which was highlighted by residents through the recent Resident Survey.  Members were further notified that the most significant pressure remained within Children Services.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Gledhill, commented there were many pressures within Children’s Services, one of which was asylum seeking children. He informed Cabinet that following the Government’s decision to allocate these children across the region, Thurrock’s allocation was 28 children, but here were currently 63 asylum seeking children being homed across the borough.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


1.         Note the forecast outturn position for 2016/17; and


2.         Agree the use of capital receipts to fund transformation spend in line with the capital receipt flexibility policy introduced as part of the Governments multi-year settlement and council’s efficiency plan.


Reason for Decision - as stated in the report

This decision is subject to call-in