Decision details

Motion submitted by Councillor J Kent

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Motion, as printed in the Agenda was proposed by Councillor J Kent and seconded by Councillor Pothecary. The Motion read as follows:


Thurrock Council congratulates Grays Athletic Football Club on being named the Bostik League Football Club of the year for 2018/19.


Councillor J Kent stated the word “Community” had been missed from the Motion and should now read as follows:


Thurrock Council congratulates Grays Athletic Football Club on being named the Bostik League Community Football Club of the year for 2018/19.


Councillor J Kent introduced the Motion by stating that a similar motion had been raised by Councillor Duffin in June 2018 to support sport clubs in the borough where residents were involved in supporting and volunteering to give youngsters a positive attitude to sport. Councillor J Kent stated the remarkable work undertaken by Grays Athletic Football Club from being formed in 1990 to nearly going out of business to the club now being relaunched to a community football club that was owned by supporters, each member having one share and one vote. That a director and a chair had been elected and had over 30 sides playing and over 500 players registered.


That an appropriate measure should be undertaken to congratulate the team that would reflect this achievement of sport being undertaken in the borough by either a letter, presentation or for the Council to sponsor a home game as this would mean a lot to the players.


Councillor J Kent stated that the Council could help Grays Athletic Football Club to identify a plot of land for their new club. Councillor J Kent again stated the remarkable achievements made by the club and again congratulated the team.


Councillor Pothecary congratulated Grays Athletic Football Club that a real offer to find a new home ground would be a dedication to local people.


Councillor Rice stated his support to the motion and congratulated Grays Athletic Football Club on the wonderful work that they do to support youngsters in the community and they should be congratulated in some form.


Councillor Mayes left the Council Chamber at 8.26pm.


Councillor Gledhill thanked Councillor J Kent for the motion and stated his support and would be working with the portfolio holder and directors to look at potential locations.


Councillor Redsell stated that infrastructure should be taken into account when considering potential locations.


Councillor Spillman echoed Members comments and stated his support for the motion although Councillor Spillman felt the Council did not do enough to promote clubs, the leisure options and events in Thurrock.


Councillor C Kent stated her support for the motion and congratulated Grays Athletic Football Club for the work that it had undertaken. Councillor C Kent also congratulated all the other sport clubs in the borough to the amount of time and dedication undertaken by volunteers and stated that the Council should do more to encourage and support sporting activities in the borough.


Councillor Watkins congratulated Grays Athletic Football Club for their achievements and congratulated all other sport clubs, volunteers and those residents that went to these sport clubs. Councillor Watkins stated his continued support as work continued on the Sports Strategy that would include contributions from Members, residents and sport groups to support and promote sport clubs across Thurrock.


Councillor J Kent thanked Members for their support that agreeing to the motion this evening would show sport clubs in Thurrock that they had the Council’s support.


The Mayor offered to support local clubs as much as practicable and stated those clubs should contact the Mayor’s Office.


The Mayor called a vote on the Motion.


Members voted unanimously in favour of this Motion to which the Mayor announced the Motion carried.

Publication date: 30/07/2019

Date of decision: 24/07/2019

Decided at meeting: 24/07/2019 - Council

Accompanying Documents: