Issue - decisions

Local Council Tax Scheme

15/01/2018 - Local Council Tax Scheme (Decision 0110453)

Councillor Hebb addressed Members, notifying them that he was leading on the Debt Summit which had been discussed at the last Cabinet meeting and already had involvement from all Groups of the Council.


He continued to state that the Council had agreed to support residents who were finding it difficult to pay their Council Tax and further details on this would be given in due course.


Councillor Halden commented upon the exemption tax for care leavers in Thurrock, he remarked that a report would be presented to February Cabinet.


The Leader welcomed the report and highlighted the importance of residents contacting the Council if they found themselves struggling to pay their Council Tax. He continued to make it clear that on the Local Tax Council Scheme, if help was sought, a resident would have to pay a minimum of 25% of their Council Tax.




That Cabinet recommend to Council that there are no changes to the scheme for 2018/19.


Reason for Decision – as stated in the report

This decision is subject to call-in