Issue - decisions

Education Transport Contracts

15/01/2018 - Extension of Home to School Transport Contracts (Decision 0110455)

The Portfolio Holder for Education and Health introduced the item stating a review of transport services provided across the Council was underway to ensure the Council was meeting the needs of residents whilst achieving value for money.  It was observed that all current home-to-school transport contracts would expire in July 2018.


Councillor Halden continued to assure Members that there would be no changes made to any in-year offer.  He explained the Schools Transport Policy was inherited when he became Portfolio Holder in 2016 and it made sense to extend the contract for a year to complete the review and start afresh.


The Leader of the Council commented that he had hoped Cabinet would not be agreeing to extensions of policies, however on this occasion it was clear this was to improve the service provided.


RESOLVED that Cabinet:


1.    Agreed to extend the current home to school contacts for one year from July 2018 as provided by section 14 of the Councils Contract Procedure Rules pending the outcome of the current service review.


2.    Agreed to waive the requirement to complete a competitive tender as provided by section 13 of the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules for one year.


3.    Approved the continuation of the current arrangements for delegated authority for the Corporate Director of Children’s Services in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder to approve the award of these contracts for the period of the extension requested.


4.    That a further paper outlining the service changes and seeking approval to enter into a competitive tender process in line with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules is presented to Cabinet in November 2018.


Reason for Decision – as stated in the report

This decision is subject to call-in