Agenda item

Living Well in Thurrock: Adult Social Care Transformation Programme Update


Les Billingham, Assistant Director for Adult Social Care and Community Development, presented the report that reflected on what had been achieved through the delivery of the Living Well in Thurrock Programme and set out the next steps and future plans.


The Chair thanked Les Billingham for the very comprehensive report.


Councillor G Rice stated that the Adult Social Care Department should be congratulated on the positive feedback received and the work being recognised on the transformation work being undertaken within Thurrock.


Councillor Collins echoed Councillor G Rice comments and stated what a great achievement this was.


Ian Evans asked what the planning timescales would be on the 21st Century Care Home on the Whiteacre and Dilkes Wood sites. Les Billingham stated that this development had some complications as the health centre was also in need of repair and proposals to rebuild this as part of the primary care estate development may form part of the planning application. Les Billingham stated that if a decision was made not to rebuild the health centre a business case would be presented to Cabinet in late summer 2018 with the residential home possibly ready by 2020.


Councillor Redsell stated that consideration should also be given to those residents that wished to stay at home and integrate their help into the community. That different forms of care home developments would be required in Thurrock to ensure that loneliness would be addressed. Les Billingham stated that this was the objective of Positive Futures and that Thurrock should build new residential homes so that they are as good as they can be. Les Billingham stated that Thurrock was an incredible place that had an amazing community spirit with the good will and intent of residents being demonstrated.


Councillor Redsell stated that Thurrock should be building good aspirational homes that residents want to live in.


Councillor G Rice stated that it was exciting news that Thurrock were to build 32,000 new homes and that Thurrock Council should take this forefront opportunity to say that Thurrock’s residents need the right type of homes, a variety of designs that had facilities nearby.


Councillor Redsell stated that help should also be given to the private sector housing market to ensure that properties could be freed up as required.


Roger Harris suggested that a Joint Health and Housing Initiative Report be added to the work programme for the next municipal year.


The Chair questioned how long before further wellbeing teams could be introduced. Les Billingham stated that the pilot would run for 12 months which would be sufficient time to evaluate the concept and provide proper evaluation data. Les Billingham stated the roll out of this delivery model would be the way Thurrock would continue to work into the future.


The Chair thanked Officers for the report and that it was good news that it focused on serving the people of Thurrock.




1.         That the Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted and commented on the Adult Social Care Transformation Programme, Living Well in Thurrock.


2.         That the Joint Health and Housing Initiative Report be added to the 2018/19 work programme.

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