Agenda item

17/01165/FUL: Alexandra Lake, West Thurrock Way, West Thurrock, Essex


The application sought planning permission for the installation of a new ‘Flying Fox’ adventure course at Alexandra Lake, comprising the installation of start and finish platforms on the Boardwalk; connected by zip line to 5 station structures positioned around the lake, together with associated fencing and hardstanding; and a new ‘floating maze’ platform.


Councillor Jones queried the distance of the zip line from the offices.  The nearest points ranged between 16-23m from the office building.


Councillor Hamilton expressed concerns around access and density of platforms.  It was confirmed that the application included no proposal for new staircases however the platforms were well spaced and the application had been accompanied by a health and safety document, though this was not within the remit of the Committee.  The scheme would be an entire route followed from start to finish by groups as large as 16 with up to two instructors.


Councillor Ojetola asked for more details regarding the floating maze.  There would be assault courses anchored in the lake bed.  It would be visible and accessible from the Boardwalk for route climbing in groups.  Councillor Ojetola continued to question whether noise assessments had been carried out regarding the two landing spots closest to the office building.  There had been a noise assessment which concluded there would be no adverse impact and this had been checked and considered by Environmental Health Officers, who raised no objections to the scheme.


Councillor Rice referred to the Council’s policies regarding open space and leisure and recalled that these would only support recreation on the east of the Lake, not the north and west.  The Committee was advised that the policies did not prevent development but sought to protect and enhance what was already there.  The application included an arboricultural assessment and a landscaping assessment; Members were advised that a planning condition required replacement of trees as 10 trees would be removed through the development.  There had been no objections from relevant consultees as the condition was deemed to provide acceptable mitigation.  Councillor Rice questioned whether the noise and distraction would be conducive to businesses situated within Alexandra House.  The main noise would be from users rather than the zip wire itself. Following consultation with Environmental Health and the Landscape and Ecology Advisor there were no objections raised with regard to noise and visual impact.


Councillor Jones asked whether the proposed scheme was the first of its kind or whether there were others elsewhere.  It was confirmed that the organisation was responsible for similar schemes.


An agent, David Maxwell, was invited to the Committee to present his statement of objection.


The applicant, Matt Nicholson, was invited to the Committee to present his statement of support.


Councillor Rice expressed concern that, in his view, policies were being ignored as it had been included that the north and west of the lake would not be used for leisure purposes and therefore he could not support the application.


The Assistant Director of Planning and Growth clarified that nothing within the policies precluded development and the application had been considered acceptable.  The Lakeside basin was a key growth hub for the Council and there were hopes to modernise and diversify the area.  The application could be considered as part of the wider regeneration of the area.


Councillor Ojetola welcomed the proposal, in hopes of improving the area and allowing Lakeside to provide community entertainment.  Improving the entire Lakeside basin was crucial.  He felt that it was unlikely the impact on offices would be significant enough to justify refusal.  The hotel on the lake had been commissioned and welcomed.  The lake itself had not been used to its full potential and he was pleased to see such an application.


Councillor Jones agreed that it was a fantastic opportunity to enhance leisure facilities within Thurrock and echoed that the lake was underused.  He supported the application.


Councillor Hamilton referred to page 87 of the agenda whereby there were no viable objections, though he reiterated his concern regarding the use of stairs to the car park by patrons.


Councillor Snell reminded the Committee that the lack of leisure facilities in Thurrock was one of the biggest complaints and felt that the application worked towards improving the situation.  He added that the construction of the touch points was quite sympathetic to the landscape.


The Chair admitted the matter was not straightforward.  Although the leisure facility was welcome he was concerned about the damage to views of the lake.


It was proposed by Councillor Ojetola and seconded by Councillor Jones that the application be approved, subject to conditions, as per the Officer’s recommendation.


For:                  Councillors Tom Kelly (Chair), Steve Liddiard (Vice-Chair), Colin Churchman, Graham Hamilton, Roy Jones, Tunde Ojetola and Graham Snell.


Against:           Councillor Gerard Rice


Abstained:       (0)



Supporting documents: