Agenda item

Southend, Essex and Thurrock Dementia Strategy 2017 - 2021


Mark Tebbs and Irene Lewsey presented the report and explained that the Southend Essex and Thurrock Dementia Strategy for 2017-2021 was a collaborative piece of work between people living with dementia, their carers and the three Local Authorities and the seven Clinical Commissioning Groups within Greater Essex. The vision was for future development as set out in the strategy. Mark Tebbs guided Members through the nine priorities of the strategy and stated that the strategy would support the development of a locally focussed implementation plan enhancing what was already happening in Thurrock and developing that further.


Councillor Sheridan thanked the officer for an excellent and caring report and asked whether a dementia check could be included in health checks that residents have with their general practitioner. Irene Lewsey stated that checks were already taking place on residents over 65 and that pathways were being developed to identify when referrals were required.


Councillor Sheridan stated that when consultations or tests were taken place that partners or carers should be in attendance also to provide assistance and information. Irene Lewsey stated this issue was being covered by having partner or carer contact details on all correspondence.


Councillor Collins thanked officers for the report and highlighting the role of the carer but stated that he was annoyed with the wording when referring to early intervention and prevention. Irene Lewsey stated that the headings had been taken from the National Dementia Strategy.


Councillor Collins stated that to improve the care of those suffering from dementia the Council should be looking at those carers who had the heart and capacity to love, care and be compassionate towards others rather than those with qualifications that who do not have the time to spend with individual patients.


Ian Evans asked what future roll outs of dementia training would be undertaken and how could the community be looked at as a whole to where dementia patients lived so that members of the public could be trained.


Mark Tebbs stated that Dementia Friendly and the Dementia Council were working closely in the community and would continue to train as many new members as possible.


Councillor Snell stated that he found the strategy frustrating that it appeared written only for those with early stages of dementia and did not go far enough for those suffering with severe dementia. Roger Harris stated that this would be covered in the Thurrock Specification Action Plan and would look at the services available and how these would be made fit for purpose.




1.         That the Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee agree to recommend to Cabinet that Thurrock Council endorse the Southend, Essex and Thurrock Dementia Strategy 2017-2021.


2.         That the Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee agree that a local Thurrock implementation plan is developed to deliver the Dementia Strategy in Thurrock.


3.         That the Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee agree that the implementation plan is brought back to the Health and Wellbeing Overview and Scrutiny Committee for consideration.

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